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Entries in Aidan (43)


claim to fame

A few months back I was at a bridal shower and a woman approached me saying that I looked familiar. Well, 20 years ago I babysat for her. The fuzziness was forgiven with that time gap, of course, but her next statement floored me. Her son is an NFL football player. For the sake of the story I’ll call him Ernest. First, she squealed. Then she said, “Oooh (part of the squeal still) fun for you to be able to tell everyone you babysat little NFL Ernest!”. Exact words.

And how many people have I told about Ernest in my life? Uhhh….exactly zero.

I came home reeling. That anyone would consider that as even a remote possibility for my claim to fame. That I detest football. That perhaps I don’t actually have any claims to fame (?!).

But I’ve thought about the incident a few times since…And I realize that I’m that same mom. Equally unabashed. My little men are so, so little, but already I gush & swell. To me, they are brilliant, charming, devilishly sweet.  And whether they are throwing footballs or sweeping stadiums, I'll still be gushing in 20 years (former babysitters can gawk away).

(faces mostly stay dirty at this house) 

(and bodies mostly stay naked!)

I love these two heart & soul.  Today I told them I chose them to be mine before we were all born.  Cheesy, perhaps, and I'm not honestly sure who did the choosing, but I like to think I was smart enough to know how much I needed these two specifically.  I'm completely honored that they gave to me the title of Mother.

us today 



It has been four years since I taught.  But each spring I am reminded of the joys & sorrows of high school English when I have the honor of helping to grade research papers.  The good papers bring me joy for obvious reasons.  And I'll admit that the awful papers bring me a certain red-pen euphoria as well.  I want to make order of chaos.  But it's the mid-level papers that do me in, torture my soul, weigh down my eyelids, force me into frequent breaks.     

And my current break has been long..considering how behind I am on getting these papers done.  I'll simply justify it as a necessary blog catch-up and pat myself on the back.  One step forward, one step back...definitely my signature dance.

Katie's visit

As soon as I hopped in the car after my afternoon with Katie and her cute family a few weeks back, I cursed myself for not getting a picture together.  I hadn't seen Katie for years...had never met her Tim or their two littles.  But the stars aligned and they took an Arizona detour on their Las Vegas to Virginia move.  Old friends are incomparable. No awkwardness.  No nonsense.  Simply picking up where you leave off.

KT's family in front of the Mesa Temple

But I think Katie's a particularly rare kind of person who any & everyone feels comfortable around.  We first met at BYU, and then she introduced me to her native D.C. when I moved there as an intern...very flimsy words for the way she took me into her heart & home at that time, really.  For that I'm in her debt.  And eternally, unrepayably indebted for an October road trip to Vermont.  Ilovermont.

Our kids were kids on our Wednesday afternoon outing - Davyn turned demon in the museum, and her girlies caught the disease through exhaustion by lunch time.  Yet, we comfortably enjoyed the child-rearing discomfort together for a few hours.  I love you, KT & wish you the best of luck in your move!

Davyn did manage to pause mid-hysteria to kiss Nelly and flirt with the camera...there's definitely good reason we deemed this boy Davynova! 

Lunch with Grandma & Grandpa Jones

We met up with them for Grandma's birthday lunch two weeks ago.  I loved this picture of Davyn & Grandpa.
and Savs with Grandma...
My children are blessed enormously in the grandparents department.


First, a picture of Aidan at that Grandma b-day lunch above.
and a fuzzy side view...
...and I didn't snap a picture of his tail in the back.  Far too shocking.

Obviously, we were in dire need of hair help.  The next day the whole family did some running around.  After lunch, Jim spotted a barber shop and there was no ignoring the need.  I so wish I had had my camera there.  The experience was hilarious.  These were true barber shop barbers.  And Aidan's wide variety of facial expressions were killing me.  Davyn didn't need a haircut, but when Aidan was finished, he ran up to the seat so we definitely couldn't deny his enthusiasm. 

Here they are the next day in Sunday best:
I know longer hair has swung back into fashion for boys, but the clean cut, old-fashioned styles are my favorite on this dapper duo. 


& in other GOOD news...

My good friend Angie started a blog.  I've been {not-so-}gently persuading her for quite a while.  She resisted steadily through her pregnancy, but was finally & irretrievably reeled in this month when she realized she has the world's cutest twin girlies.  At least that's what I'm assuming.   Whatever the reason, I'm Elated.  I love Ang & you'd think that  & the fact that we live in the same place would equate significant interaction...but life somehow intercedes.  So I love that I'll now be able to keep track of her & her littles in this blog world even when I lag in the real world.

Now back to the red pen... 


52 Blessings

week 6: watching a Testimony become    

This boy sees clearly (tip-toed & eager) without the 25 cents. 

You have kids..thinking you're going to teach them, guide them, inspire them.  Then it turns out to be much the reverse.  Aidan teaches, guides, inspires and humbles me.  He is earnest.  He sees right & wrong in a clear black & white spectrum (and sometimes reminds me firmly of the difference).  Witnessing the development of his simple testimony truly moves me and blesses my life.  Some Aidan moments from this week:

  • Our FHE lesson on Monday was about Gratitude.  We had a small bowl that we took turns spooning water into, each time naming one thing we're thankful for, until our cup of goodness from Above was spilling over with water (thanks for the great lesson, Melissa!).  We started out listing simple, every day things we were grateful for, but it was Aidan who took us to the next level, saying, "I'm thankful for Jesus because he died for us."
  • Just 10 minutes ago, Aidan yelled to me from his bed, "I just said a prayer and blessed school.  Because me and Savannah don't like school so I just thought I should bless it."  Oh the wisdom of learning to pray for "the desire" at a young age!
  • This week (inspired by Lucy) I started reading the Book of Mormon as a regular book.  Every time I sat to read during the daytime, Aidan grabbed his tiny red Book of Mormon and sat beside me, asking what page I was on.  At 4, he can't read, but I'd read him a few verses, then he'd just sit and say "I'm thinking about the words quiet in my head, Mom."  He is sincerely in love with his little red book and hordes it like a treasure. 

And I'm sincerely in love with him...thankful for the growth that comes from being the mother of such an one. 


52 Blessings

week 5:  Reading with my Boys


When they approached me this morning with this book, I had to bite the "no" that was rising from my throat, and stifle thoughts of my endless to-do's (recovering from birthday party & Superbowl & DB's cold that just won't quit).     In no way did I realize how enjoyable our poetry hour would be.  This book isn't among those they typically bring to my lap, but we laughed and giggled through all kinds of nonsense & new words.  A definite blessing in this stolen moment.

The poem they made me repeat at least five times --
(must be read aloud with children present for full effect, of course)

On the Ning Nang Nong
Where the cows go Bong!
And the monkeys all say Boo!
There's a Nong Nang Ning
Where the trees go Ping! 
And the tea pots Jibber Jabber Joo.
On the Nong Ning Nang
All the mice go Clang!
And you just can't catch 'em when they do!
So it's Ning Nang Nong!
Cows go Bong!
Nong Nang Ning!
Trees go Ping!
Nong Ning Nang!
The mice go Clang!
What a noisy place to belong,
Is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong!

Spike Milligan


word of the week:  lachrymose

April's word of the week is lachrymose : /adj./  given to shedding tears easily.  weeping or inclined to weep.  overemotional.  teary.  soppy. 

lachrymose  /adj./  1.  When I spied this word on April's sidebar last week, I knew it would be easily defined in my life.  I  tear up on a rather regular basis.  And I love the release of a good cry.  Jim gave me an ipod for Christmas, and was driving with me a few days after.  "You'll Be in My Heart" by Phil Collins (from Tarzan) came on.  He looked at me, incredulous.  "You used your gift card from Cyndee to buy this?"  My response, "Yes, I love this song because this part in the movie makes me cry so when I listen to this song I cry, and I like to have some songs with me that can make me cry...just in case I need it."  I'm sure he's getting somewhat used to my lachrymose side, but I could tell that explanation baffled him completely.  Then again, perhaps it baffles you as well. 

lachrymose  /adj./  2.  Motherhood makes me lachrymose in two extreme directions.  My A boy had me teary twice today.  Sentimental teary this morning when I called to sign him up for kindergarten.  Orientation in April.  Starting in August.  My boy.  I can hardly believe we're approaching this starting line. 

But this afternoon the tears were those of utter frustration.  Without sharing all the ugly details (think water, all the towells in the house, a knife, and a play market stand)...this was the basic situation:  I had been working downstairs..walked up to find a complete disaster.  Nothing had prepared me for the completeness of the disaster.  I was livid and screaming and barking out commands to reclaim the semi-sane state of hallway from just an hour prior.  In the midst of the process, Aidan yelled, "You are ruining mine and D's life, Mom!"   And it hurt....first, because I know I inevitably am.   But also because I simply didn't think the days of blinded adoration would end so quickly.  Aren't they supposed to worship you for a few years beyond four??


lachrymose  /adj./  3.  I am most lachrymose when I see tender moments between my littles.  The weather has been divine, and my boys have  been loving their outside time.  I open the sliding door so I can here tid-bits of conversation, screams, squeals, all.  One afternoon last week, I caught them singing, "I Am a Child of God."  And Aidan interrupted the end to knowingly tell his little brother, "Well, what you really need to know, DB, is that Jesus is our Savior." 

Pretty priceless statement from a boy whose life is "ruined".