word of the week: lachrymose

April's word of the week is lachrymose : /adj./ given to shedding tears easily. weeping or inclined to weep. overemotional. teary. soppy.
lachrymose /adj./ 1. When I spied this word on April's sidebar last week, I knew it would be easily defined in my life. I tear up on a rather regular basis. And I love the release of a good cry. Jim gave me an ipod for Christmas, and was driving with me a few days after. "You'll Be in My Heart" by Phil Collins (from Tarzan) came on. He looked at me, incredulous. "You used your gift card from Cyndee to buy this?" My response, "Yes, I love this song because this part in the movie makes me cry so when I listen to this song I cry, and I like to have some songs with me that can make me cry...just in case I need it." I'm sure he's getting somewhat used to my lachrymose side, but I could tell that explanation baffled him completely. Then again, perhaps it baffles you as well.
lachrymose /adj./ 2. Motherhood makes me lachrymose in two extreme directions. My A boy had me teary twice today. Sentimental teary this morning when I called to sign him up for kindergarten. Orientation in April. Starting in August. My boy. I can hardly believe we're approaching this starting line.
But this afternoon the tears were those of utter frustration. Without sharing all the ugly details (think water, all the towells in the house, a knife, and a play market stand)...this was the basic situation: I had been working downstairs..walked up to find a complete disaster. Nothing had prepared me for the completeness of the disaster. I was livid and screaming and barking out commands to reclaim the semi-sane state of hallway from just an hour prior. In the midst of the process, Aidan yelled, "You are ruining mine and D's life, Mom!" And it hurt....first, because I know I inevitably am. But also because I simply didn't think the days of blinded adoration would end so quickly. Aren't they supposed to worship you for a few years beyond four??
lachrymose /adj./ 3. I am most lachrymose when I see tender moments between my littles. The weather has been divine, and my boys have been loving their outside time. I open the sliding door so I can here tid-bits of conversation, screams, squeals, all. One afternoon last week, I caught them singing, "I Am a Child of God." And Aidan interrupted the end to knowingly tell his little brother, "Well, what you really need to know, DB, is that Jesus is our Savior."
Pretty priceless statement from a boy whose life is "ruined".
Reader Comments (12)
I am totally laughing about your #1 definition, though. You described the scene so well.
My house is in a terrible state. On Saturday night the kids had their cousins all over at our house while we helped at the reception. It was girl cousins so no knives were involved, but every dance costume and dress-up came out, all of my high heels, and the feather boas. There are yellow and pink boa feathers all over our house, sequins from the costumes, and piles of dress-ups. Somehow I still don't have the energy to attack any of it...I blame it on the cake. I keep thinking I've got to get this place cleaned up so I can THINK and get some new year goals made before January is gone, but my life is not my own.
Kinder registration already?? I am beginning to panic, Luke will be starting in August as well. We need to find a house!! Yikes.
Also, regarding your previous post, I am in awe of that cake! Speechless.
Sweet songs and movies that make you cry are a good thing. :)