This is for my own memory purposes. In case this phase ever ends. Every.single.morning my boys wake me with requests?...nay, demands!..for "eggs & toast & circles". Sometimes I try to shake it up with offers of pancakes or cereal or oatmeal. No. They want their eggs.
And toast.
And circles.
So this is my stovetop each morning:
Aidan takes two. Davyn takes one, with a side of anywhere from 2 to 4 scrambled eggs (once we counted 7). Did I mention that he's only 2? Yes, I'm building giants.
A drinks water. D much prefers milk.
When there's fruit on the side, A needs it on an entirely separate plate or bowl. D doesn't so much mind the co-mingling of peach juice and egg yolk.
Do you forget all of these detailed preference (demands!) when they are old & gone? I imagine it all fades despite how insistent it seems NOW as they dominate my days.
But I'll record them {just in case}.