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Entries in Aidan (43)


Scott Reunion

My favorite person in the world was born in one of my favorite places in the world.


One of many reasons I'd love to gain some photography know-how:  Arizona is a vivid, diverse state.  And we are blessed to be frequenters of a region I consider heavenly - the White Mountains.  From both sides, Jim's people are from here.  And now me & mine reap the benefit with views like this:

Escudilla 11,000 feet & the sky went on forever.
I want to imagine the fall here into reality.  Soon.

With this as our backdrop, ours was a weekend of family and first's.   


I  love my in-law's, and they've gradually transitioned from "Jim's family" to "our family".  And "love" is a mild, mild world for how passionately my boys adore time with their grandparents, aunts & uncles. 

The boys with Grandma Kay & Papa:

 no use wondering why they love Daniel:
 oh to have recorded the shrill squeals and "AGAIN!"'s

a few first's
This trip marked the first anniversary of buying our toy hauler.  Over the past year it has taken us 4 times to the trees and 6 times to the sand.  A big transformation for a family parented by camping wimps.  We love our stove, beds, showers, and air.  So this has forever altered our reticence for quick get aways. 
Some other first's marked this trip as well...

  first sleeping bags
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 first winks (along with further Davynova flirtation)
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 first gun shooting (with the help of Grandma Kay & Uncle Tyler)
AD was elated, but DB was no fan of this first.

first archery range

Jim restrung his old red bow, previously Mike's old red bow, soon to be A & D's old bow.  I'll take that pedigree over brand new any day.  The above shot was Jim's, but {much!} more often we had a ball missing the target.  I proudly claim the shot to the left.   Our arrows fit decently on the boys' tiny bow& they were thrilled to hit the target.   With a little help from dad, of course.



days worthy of repeat.


SPT:  school

I remember watching Caillou when I had a little Aidan. Dubbed “Magellan” by his dad, from about 9 months on, Aidan was crazy busy exploring his world, typically leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. I watched Caillou with longing. Awed by the patience of these fictional parents, first. But, also struck by how grown-up that little bald boy seemed. Would my A ever reach that point?

Well, 4 has come and my Caillou fantasies have turned reality. A is my amazing helper. I can explain and discuss with him. Sadly, my patience still comes nowhere near that of those fictional parents, but life is much easier.


This morning A made sandwiches and packed his new lunch box (his preschool has a “lunch bunch” on Thursdays). He starts preschool on Monday. Three hours a day, three days a week. Which I’m looking forward to almost as much as he is. I’m prepared with ample lists of “what I’m going to do while A is at school”. Somehow I’m sure 3 hours really aren’t as long as I plan them to be. But, there will most definitely be some quality time for child #2, who always seems a little jipped on alone time.

So, for the SPT of this:  me on a typical at-home morning (sometimes [ok, often] verging into afternoons). 


A lovely sight, nay?  I’m incredibly anxious for the regulating 3-day-a-week preschool will do for my schedule.  Perhaps this little push will help…and prep me for the bigger push of kindergarten next year. 

Maybe I'll start brushing my hair each morning.
Perhaps some make-up?
Possibly out of my p.j.'s by 9:00 drop-off time?

and perhaps my goal can be to get ready often enough that when I reach for my make-up, A doesn't automatically inquire:  "Are you going to a meeting?"

It's a thought.  My little Caillou definitely deserves to be picked up by a presentable {patience pending!} mom.


"Help, mom!"


"A bad robot tracked me down and tied me up."


My Aidan has some seriously mad knot skills.  At four, the most practical use for such skills is Mother Irritation.  No ribbon, necktie or string is safe around this boy.


FHE: the little theatre


Another bonus to my sister/neighbor arrangement:  I dropped the boys at Mandi's this morning when I went visiting teaching.  Anyone who has been visiting teaching with two terrifying toddlers immediately knows the sigh of relief that comes with this statement. 

But, payment was exacted later when Mandi had the idea of building a puppet show stage out of her leftover giant bunkbed boxes.  She approached the right person.  My specialty is anything non-practical and completely unnecessary that keeps me from cleaning bathrooms and folding laundry.  So the two of us ignored our husbands' eye-rolling (as they slaved in the other room putting together bunkbeds) and outfun-ed the kids as we painted away at our (oops!) their little theatre tonight. 

The littles admired our handi-work proudly.  And were quite excited to perform for their dads. 

And sometimes that's what it's all about. 

yaya%20with%20yaya%20puppet.jpg Savvy%20with%20Savvy%20puppet.jpg A%20with%20A%20puppet.jpg D%20with%20D%20puppet.jpg

I relied on my trusty printer in order to avoid socks or brown paper sack puppetry.  For now.  But the kids definitely got a kick out of *being* themselves in the story.


boy hair.

It grows quickly.  And I truly fail at keeping it hairdresser trimmed & under control.  Yes, mine are those children..they only look motherless. 

So Jim bought clippers and took matters into his own hands Friday night.

BEFORE:                                             AFTER:

IMG_1830.JPG      DB's%20haircut%20grumpy%20face.jpg

BEFORE:                                             AFTER: 

A's%20first%20home%20haircut.jpg    Aidan%20post%20haircut%20picture.jpg

While I do think that non-attached hair is a little vulgar, I couldn't resist snapping this shot because of the unbelievable pile on the floor after two tiny boys' cuts.


And then I cut Jim's.  And did a damn good job.
...if I say so myself.