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SPT:  school

I remember watching Caillou when I had a little Aidan. Dubbed “Magellan” by his dad, from about 9 months on, Aidan was crazy busy exploring his world, typically leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. I watched Caillou with longing. Awed by the patience of these fictional parents, first. But, also struck by how grown-up that little bald boy seemed. Would my A ever reach that point?

Well, 4 has come and my Caillou fantasies have turned reality. A is my amazing helper. I can explain and discuss with him. Sadly, my patience still comes nowhere near that of those fictional parents, but life is much easier.


This morning A made sandwiches and packed his new lunch box (his preschool has a “lunch bunch” on Thursdays). He starts preschool on Monday. Three hours a day, three days a week. Which I’m looking forward to almost as much as he is. I’m prepared with ample lists of “what I’m going to do while A is at school”. Somehow I’m sure 3 hours really aren’t as long as I plan them to be. But, there will most definitely be some quality time for child #2, who always seems a little jipped on alone time.

So, for the SPT of this:  me on a typical at-home morning (sometimes [ok, often] verging into afternoons). 


A lovely sight, nay?  I’m incredibly anxious for the regulating 3-day-a-week preschool will do for my schedule.  Perhaps this little push will help…and prep me for the bigger push of kindergarten next year. 

Maybe I'll start brushing my hair each morning.
Perhaps some make-up?
Possibly out of my p.j.'s by 9:00 drop-off time?

and perhaps my goal can be to get ready often enough that when I reach for my make-up, A doesn't automatically inquire:  "Are you going to a meeting?"

It's a thought.  My little Caillou definitely deserves to be picked up by a presentable {patience pending!} mom.

Reader Comments (18)

how i remember well those early days when jack was old enough for "moms morning out." (by the time he reached pre-school, i was back working full time...)

the unkempt hair, the p.j.s (aaahhh, the p.j.s...) how did i convince myself that no one would notice if i was still wearing them when i dashed in to pick him up?!?

enjoy your *free-ish* time. and be prepared for all of the wonders that A will carry home to you!
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterlelly
I'm also enjoying the push of the school schedule in getting me dressed and ready in the a.m. hours. :) I'm sure Aidan will love school.

This cracked me up because I actually have very passionate feelings of hatred toward Caillou. I hate that kid! What is wrong with me? He's a cartoon, but I just really don't like him or his parents. That is a banned show at my house. Just seeing him gets me all fired up with rage. Perhaps I need therapy!
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
your Caillou musings cracked me up! My girls LOVE Caillou! My husband and I just groan... we think Caillou is a whiney little brat. Bald brat. I'm laughing at Kelly's passionate feelings of hatred.

Hope school goes great for him (and you!)!
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
When will the patience (for me) exit the "pending" stage and become a regular at our house? I'm still trying hard at that. Your Aidan is far beyond his year (4) I must say. What joy. I have also sat in front of the telly and wondered at Caillou's ultra-calm mom and pop. I guess it IS TV, eh?
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJordan
Caillou is not my favorite either. I also think he is whiney and can't watch it. Thankfully Ryley's not into that show right now and I hope we don't happen upon it anytime soon. Maybe we all need some sort of Caillou therapy.

If that is you without makeup, I'm jealous.
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
It overflashed, Mandy, so you can't see my super splotchy skin. Yikes!
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
What a sandwich pro! So exciting to be headed off to the big world!

I don't mind Cailou--it seems to be a pleasant show. Although I admit I rarely watch TV along with the kids (on the few times they watch)! Now, don't get me started on various other shows... It is so funny how they strike one person one way and another person gets a totally different feeling from them!
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
Ah yes Calliou. I remember that show.I always thought he was a tad bit whiney and encouraged little kids to be more like that.

Love the assembly line for lunch. And you look SO much better than I ever would in the morning. My eyes are way puffy. Good luck with the new school schedule!
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjenny c.
Your eyebrows look lovely, great plucking. And please don't ever talk about Caillou again, thanks. And on another note, three hours go by incredibly fast, but they're still nice to have.
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
I'm laughing at the Caillou response. How on earth is Caillou bad when such things as the Doodlebops exist?!
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
Oh, the Doodlebops are bad, too. Really bad. I'm sorry I caused such Caillou hoopla. The reason I don't like him is because he is such a whining beast of a cartoon character. And I could actually tell my kids were picking it up -- using his same tone and everything. So, I just had to end him -- and we talked about it and why. He's cute on mute. I actually have many shows banned that really are not objectionable, other than they have annoying components that my kids seem to pick up on.

One of my favorites is Oswald the Octopus, and lots of people think that's a freak fest. It's just strange enough to be enjoyable for me.
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
Oh how I hate Caillou!! I am looking forward to Abby starting preschool next week too! I don't think that it will motivate me enough to get ready though. I guess I am just excited for the break once Lily is here. But now I am realizing I'll have to entertain Jake! She is excited too. I can't believe how fast they are growing!
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShanon
I think most of us look just like you when we stay home with the kids (or without the kids). Did you see my SPT today? I actually cringed after posting and feared people would recoil in horror.

Have fun with your one-on-one time while Aiden is in school, that should be enjoyable.
September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJill
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! How fun that we are both Amy's married to a James...only mine goes by James all the time. :) And believe it or not, Aidan is a boy name we both love!
September 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAmy D.
That's so cute. The girls had their lunch boxes out the other day too. Everyday Savy asks me if she gets to go to preschool yet. I think she's bored and ready for a change - she loved it last year. Well, maybe I'll have to be the morning mom and you can be the pick-up mom. . .
September 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
So cute. I send mine off to preschool next week, too. I totally think I'll need a schedule, too. This is what I will do on *Wednesdays* kind of schedule, or it will all fly by like a blur of nothing-got-doneness.
September 5, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterrebecca
I'm pretty sure that a pony tail and no makeup is the school drop off mom uniform. At least, it's mine.
September 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBarb
The Caillou musings made me laugh out loud! I used to think the same thing while watching Little Bill -- as if I should be taking notes on how to be a wise and unbelievably patient mother...

If that's how you look without getting ready, I'm definitely jealous! Those cheekbones!
September 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermichelle

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