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Entries in Aidan (43)


the serious side of my wild one

IMG_3179.JPG My favorite part of this picture (besides that face, of course) is the little girl's hair.  I was sitting nearby and asked what color he planned to make it.  His response:  "Well first brown, and then some yellow on top."  Yay for a boy who already realizes the importance of highlights!

I want to  remember how serious my A is about his occasional preschool "homework".  It has already caused panic, elation and even tears.  His ultimate concern is about doing it *right*. 

And his concern against *wrong* does not stop there.  While folding laundry today I turned on Scrooge (Albert Finney 1971 version - my favorite Christmas film), and conspiratorially whispered to Aidan that I had stolen the DVD from Grandma Cyndee (yes, Cyn, this is my confession...but do I have to make restitution?).  His response:  "I'm not going to watch it until you tell Grandma you have it."  Yay (maybe?!) for a boy who will keep us in *right*!


the Monday after

I can hardly believe Thanksgiving is over. JoDee and her family came for the week, and my boys lived happily ever after in a world of cousins. I love that they love their cousins. And I love spending time with JoDee.  And I love re-meeting nieces and a nephew who live far away.  Six months in those little lives brings plenty of change to reacquaint with. 

Aidan, Davyn, Madee, Baylee, Crew 

On Wednesday we headed to the Zoo. We’re a zoo family, but I haven’t taken the boys yet this year because it has been so (damn!) hot. Not this time. The day was lovely, and I spent more time watching our own wild animals than those housed in the enclosures. Because..well, we definitely had some characters.

Baylee (the girl who spent the night at my house and told me in the morning that she didn't like cereal.  "You can just put some whipped cream in a bowl and I'll lick that up instead.")

Crew (who LOVED the freedom of "no stroller" time)

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Showing them "tomorrow's dinner".  Aidan's ultra-concerned question:  "but who has to eat the bum?"  

I was crazy tired after the zoo, but still hadn’t done my Thanksgiving grocery shopping. Note to self and all others who aren’t sane enough to already realize this wisdom: don’t grocery shop the afternoon before Thanksgiving.

We managed. And survived. But went on to another valuable lesson. Don’t save pie making for 9:00 p.m. on the day before. This episode did, however, happen in good company, at Mandi’s house, with Madalyn in tow (I love when JoDee lets us steal her older girls!). Yes, I fell into erroneously thinking my two pies and Mandi’s four could be whipped out and I’d be home by 10:00 . Not even close. But did the late hour stop me from my ingenous plan of handcutting 30+ pie dough maple leaves to adorn the plainly pumpkin pies? Sadly, no. And it sure didn’t stop us from *quickly* transforming Mandi’s amazing homemade caramel into turtles. I have a talent for falling into the trap of last minute unnecessaries.

But the dinner turned out lovely. Despite turtles that few touched and centerpieces at which Jim rolled his eyes. Of course, we have to have centerpieces.  Yes, I know it's only going to be Cyndee, JoDee's family & us.  But Thanksgiving is Thanksgiving. And matching table cloths and fancy centerpieces make me smile.


I ended the day grateful for a JoDee and Cyndee who humored my Boggle love.  And gratitude also came later for a husband who didn't whine when his ASU team lost.  He should have spent his time Boggling with me, I say...


prelude to the holiday

I picked the preschoolers up today, and they looked like this:
Me:        So how was your Thanksgiving feast?
Them:    We had pizza.
Me:        Pizza?  That's interesting.
Sav:       But we pretended it was turkey. 
Me:        Well, what did you learn about Thanksgiving in class?
Aidan:    That I'm thankful for pizza.
Earlier this week the boys and I had been talking about gratitude.   We went in a circle, taking turns listing blessings.  My most gratifying moment was perhaps when their first responses were "Dad" (from A) and "Mom" (from D).  No big surprise that they topped my list as well. 
Other responses:

Davyn: beds, rocks, freeways (what does my 2-year-old know about freeways?!). 
Aidan: house, trucks, but mostly Jesus (my insert: "I Love Primary & FHE!").  
Me: moments of heaven-lent patience when I'm blessed to have these little conversations.

halloween album

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who are these masked men? 


my half of the Justice League. 

As we trick-or-treated the neighborhood, I heard a few candy givers say to these four:  "thank you for keeping us safe."

What Aidan had to say:  "trick or treating is the BEST!"

Davyn?  Well, he was wobbling like a drunk after two streets.
No night vision for my bat. 


Earlier tonight, we enjoyed a visit from Grandma Kay, Papa and Grandma Hulsey:

IMG_2776.JPG Grandma%20K%20%20batman.jpg  Papa%20%20Flash.jpg
there's one "grandma's boy" and one "papa's boy" among my two.  Any guesses? 

 and today Grandma Cyndee could easily claim both boys...
but, what boy wouldn't completely belong to a grandma witch adorned with all from shrunken head to slithering snake?  

Much earlier today we visited her at school, where she and two other teachers performed as the witches of Macbeth.  Three years ago it was me doing the part in British Lit, but it was fun to be on the viewing side with my littles this time. I loved this back shot of Davyn & London sharing a front seat in the classroom...two tiny heads in a sea of "big kids".  They were rightfully mesmerized.  


all in all...a full day.


Two ex-super heroes fell asleep quickly in this house tonight. 


dear mike & kay:

This is the photo I snapped as I fell from the rock into the flower bed on the north side of your front yard three weeks ago. 

Not a picture worthy of pain to knee, pride, or petals. 

I thought you should know.
In case you've wondered why one bed is a *bit* more perky than the other.


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