"Help, mom!"

"A bad robot tracked me down and tied me up."
My Aidan has some seriously mad knot skills. At four, the most practical use for such skills is Mother Irritation. No ribbon, necktie or string is safe around this boy.

Reader Comments (15)
I love it when kids take the time to imagine and come up with things such as evil robots that can tie you up. I don't envy you all of the tied up things though. Talin went through a stage where he went around and tied knots in everything. Only Tom was really effected, because everytime he grabbed a pair of shoes they would be tied together in a million little knots. Not fun.
I LOVE the little theatre! The kids and puppets are sooo
adorable ;) Your cake decorating is beautiful. The baby
shower looks wonderful and so does Angie. I love her twin's names too. ciao
Amy! Those cupcakes are unreal! I am a huge cupcake fan, and love to decorate and EAT them. I think I need that swank little stand for display. I love how the cupcakes shoot out at all different angles.
I, too, am the queen of doing the unnecessary, frivolous stuff to avoid laundry, bathrooms, dishes, garbage, the sticky kitchen floor ... But come on, when your kids are grown they will better remember the Little Theatre than the clean home. And what a Little Theatre! Absolutely darling! You are pure genius to make puppets out of their pictures. I will definitely be borrowing this idea.