breakfast at my house

This is for my own memory purposes. In case this phase ever ends. Every.single.morning my boys wake me with requests?...nay, demands!..for "eggs & toast & circles". Sometimes I try to shake it up with offers of pancakes or cereal or oatmeal. No. They want their eggs.
And toast.
And circles.
So this is my stovetop each morning:
Aidan takes two. Davyn takes one, with a side of anywhere from 2 to 4 scrambled eggs (once we counted 7). Did I mention that he's only 2? Yes, I'm building giants.
A drinks water. D much prefers milk.
When there's fruit on the side, A needs it on an entirely separate plate or bowl. D doesn't so much mind the co-mingling of peach juice and egg yolk.
Do you forget all of these detailed preference (demands!) when they are old & gone? I imagine it all fades despite how insistent it seems NOW as they dominate my days.
But I'll record them {just in case}.
Reader Comments (14)
Yes, I think it all eventually it all fades, isn't this part of why we blog?
On another note: when can I get you guys over for a swim again? Or...we can come over and eat eggs and toast and circles...
It's Rachel, sorry I'm posting under Corey's name. I was so excited to see your blog but we call them eggs in frames. Growing up if my Mom was too tired to cook that's what she would make, it brings back good memories!
Cute differences between Aidan and Davyn.
I also love it that D can eat so much! I can't imagine what your grocery bills will be as they grow up!
You must go through a ton of eggs at your house!