over & over & over

Music mostly happens in my car. But, there I listen to it compulsively, and perhaps that's why I'm so far behind on what's new. I can really only manage to love one song at a time. And I play that song over & over obsessively. For the longest time my song of choice has been The Killers' "All These Things That I've Done". So many reasons to love it. The progression is key for me. And the passion. And the fact that my typical carmates (Aidan, Davyn, Savvy, London) belt it out so fantastically well.
But today I found a rival for *current favorite* status. Thank you, Jordan, for a fabulous mix CD. I couldn't make it through all the songs yet because this one grabbed me. Regina Spektor's "Fidelity". And we listened to it to Mesa & back today. Pretty much non-stop. Nothing in the world compares to Davyn singing that refrain "and it breaks my he-ahahah-ahahah-ahahah-ahart". I'm not savvy enough to figure out how to post it on my blog for listening pleasure, but if you haven't heard that tune yet, check it out.
This time it's not the progression or passion, just pure happiness. I don't know if a song has made my insides instantly so happy since David Gray's "Babylon" was at the number one spot.
I just might get through a normal person's hit list if I live 500 years. Or so.
(Sidenote to Kel: "The Art Teacher" is still on my over & over cycle as well, but I have yet to find any fellow travelers who appreciate it. It creeps most people out, but I do truly love Rufus's passion. And how many songs can boast of lyrics like, "here I am in this uniformish, pantsuit sort of thing"?!)
Reader Comments (10)
I laughed out loud when I read your side note about The Art Teacher. I adore that song. I first put it on a surprise mix tape for Keith to listen to in the car. He had to guess all the artists and win a prize. He failed. But, he was pretty creeped out by that song, too. I sent it to Josh expecting him to love it, but he did not. So, I am beyond delighted to have found someone to share in my Art Teacher love. I only wish I had an art teacher and a Turner and a uniformish pantsuit sort of thing so that I could liken it unto me.
Rufus has some of the best lines ever in song. "An old piece of bacon never eaten by Elvis." "Does anyone else have slightly mysterious bruises?" "I tried to dance Britney Spears, I guess I'm getting on in years." And he is always passionate. He is my favorite weird songstress. I really love him.
By the way, the girls are still singing "Yellow" all the time -- and they've even tried to sing it with different colors -- "and it was all pink. . ." but it doesn't quite have the same ring.
When I drive James to school we listen to Scripture Scouts which I highly recommend. When I'm alone, I like country tunes, I have Faith Hill and Rascal Flats and Sara Evans in the stereo right now. Pretty basic. ;)
I have not heard of Regina. Maybe I'll have to check that one out, but seriously I am more intrigued by the Art Teacher. I'd share the songs on my repeat list, but I'd get same blank stare back. Enjoying your car tunes!