home again

Even if the *away* is only 2 or 3 days, I love how littles love coming home...how each toy seems brand new...how their room becomes their kingdom once again...their backyard, their haven. This morning my boys quickly stripped down to enjoy their domain...completely oblivious to the heat.
Lunch & playtime later, I came across their doodling pre-nap.
"Is this a whale?"
Instant No's.
"Well, what is it then?"
Aidan, matter-of-fact, how-can-you-not-know tone:
"It's a forty-nine cent letter, Mom."
Not sure what that meant, but it cracked me up to think that he hears all of these random words and wants desperately to string them together in a big person way. It will definitely be a sad day when sense begins to replace all of the nonsense. And I desperately hope that his "sense" will be backed by the same non-chalant confidence that surrounds his nonsense. I don't want life & age to steal too much of that bravado from my boy.
Reader Comments (11)
That explanation of the doodle is so cute. My kids say crazy stuff all the time. Tonight at dinner Landon (9) referred to another family as a "happy trio of four." I had to laugh and explain what a trio was, so funny.
I'm giggling over the 49 cent letter. And I loved your last paragraph. I often feel the same way. PQ has intense self esteem these days, and we're all hoping she keeps it always.