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home again

Even if the *away* is only 2 or 3 days, I love how littles love coming each toy seems brand their room becomes their kingdom once again...their backyard, their haven.  This morning my boys quickly stripped down to enjoy their domain...completely oblivious to the heat. 


Lunch & playtime later, I came across their doodling pre-nap.  


"Is this a whale?"

Instant No's. 

"Well, what is it then?"

Aidan, matter-of-fact, how-can-you-not-know tone:
"It's a forty-nine cent letter, Mom."

Not sure what that meant, but it cracked me up to think that he hears all of these random words and wants desperately to string them together in a big person way.  It will definitely be a sad day when sense begins to replace all of the nonsense.  And I desperately hope that his "sense" will be backed by the same non-chalant confidence that surrounds his nonsense.  I don't want life & age to steal too much of that bravado from my boy.

Reader Comments (11)

Coming home is great. Even coming home from Walmart the kids start cheering, "Horay! We're home!" I always want them to feel happy to be back, although they may not shout out joyfully at age thirteen.
August 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
I enjoy the perk of homey newness when returning from a short trip as well, so I can totally relate.

That explanation of the doodle is so cute. My kids say crazy stuff all the time. Tonight at dinner Landon (9) referred to another family as a "happy trio of four." I had to laugh and explain what a trio was, so funny.
August 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJill
I was giddy, myself, upon returning home from our July vacation. There's just something about home! Such a cute picture of the boys. I can't get over Davyn lately -- so grown up.

I'm giggling over the 49 cent letter. And I loved your last paragraph. I often feel the same way. PQ has intense self esteem these days, and we're all hoping she keeps it always.
August 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
I love the photo of your boys on their motorized bike. They looks like best buds! How wonderful to have each other! I love how you take photos of their drawings! The explanation of the 49 cent letter was so dang funny! I love how they just pull numbers from the air and add it to something. Welcome home!
August 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPrice Cream Parlor
Aidan is too funny. I love that his phrase made complete sense to him.
August 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
My girls were thrilled to just play together yesterday too. I have noticed that our kids are talking a lot about numbers - big ones. Maybe it's their new obsession with money, but I always hear numbers in their conversations. . . maybe that's where the 49 cent letter thing came from.
August 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
I love that newness of home also. Your weekend sounds lovely! That tree is a great one.
August 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth
That is the best part about coming home from vacation, they always entertain themselves for days with their "new" toys. It gives you time to unwind as well, which is nice.
August 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
I am such a huge fan of that cute nonsense age! I have volumes for my littles to read now that they're older, of their words. Such cute boys ;)
August 21, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersista #2
Welcome home! The funny thing is that a 49 cent letter sounds like something real.
August 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBarb
I love how adorable your boys are. I really want to get together with you guys more often. I can't wait to not be prego so I actually feel like moving! It is so funny what things they come up with. I love the 49 cent letter!
August 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShanon

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