claim to fame

A few months back I was at a bridal shower and a woman approached me saying that I looked familiar. Well, 20 years ago I babysat for her. The fuzziness was forgiven with that time gap, of course, but her next statement floored me. Her son is an NFL football player. For the sake of the story I’ll call him Ernest. First, she squealed. Then she said, “Oooh (part of the squeal still) fun for you to be able to tell everyone you babysat little NFL Ernest!”. Exact words.
And how many people have I told about Ernest in my life? Uhhh….exactly zero.
I came home reeling. That anyone would consider that as even a remote possibility for my claim to fame. That I detest football. That perhaps I don’t actually have any claims to fame (?!).
But I’ve thought about the incident a few times since…And I realize that I’m that same mom. Equally unabashed. My little men are so, so little, but already I gush & swell. To me, they are brilliant, charming, devilishly sweet. And whether they are throwing footballs or sweeping stadiums, I'll still be gushing in 20 years (former babysitters can gawk away).
(faces mostly stay dirty at this house)
(and bodies mostly stay naked!)
I love these two heart & soul. Today I told them I chose them to be mine before we were all born. Cheesy, perhaps, and I'm not honestly sure who did the choosing, but I like to think I was smart enough to know how much I needed these two specifically. I'm completely honored that they gave to me the title of Mother.
us today
Reader Comments (24)
(And you babysat a pre-pro-football player? What an item to add to your resume!!)
You say it perfectly and your post is everything I felt on Mother's Day. Thank you.
love the photo of "us today."
But it is sweet, and you're right, it is all just mama-pride.
I LOVE your banner by the way.
I think this may be my first, comment, but I've been reading for a few weeks now.
Happy Mother's Day!
The eyes in that first picture got me. Wow. You have some great looking little men running around your house.
Aidan and Davyn are blessed to be yours.
And NFL Ernest?? He's no doubt the star he is today due to your diligent babysitting.
Just so you know, I am wistfully checking your blog every day.
hope your mother's day was all you wanted
I know that it is far premature, but I am still keeping my eye out on one of them for one of my girls. he he :)
So sweet, this photo of you and your precious boys! :) Glad you got your new lens so we can see more photos of your beautiful family!