spt: something old AND new

April ended bitterly with a mashed camera lens and no one to blame but myself. And the lens wasn't even that old. The loss paralyzed my picture-taking, which definitely put a damper on my blogging.
Then came Friday.
When Jim took off a few hours in the afternoon to drive with us to Phoenix. To a store. The man there was incredibly helpful. Part of my lag in getting a new lens was distress over what one. You read a dozen reviews online and come up with a dozen opinions. But I knew my price range and my purpose.
And left the store totally *click happy*.
I snapped the freeway (and filthy window!)
I snapped my sleepers.
I snapped my driver's hand (in an attempt to snap his face). I let it pass. After all, he paid for my new lens. And he drives quite well.
and today I snapped my *return to SPT* self.

Reader Comments (28)
My favorite picture is the one of Jim. So glad you included it.
I'm from the valley too!
How long were you without?
I have been learning the ends and outs of my Rebel and trying to stave off lens fever.