the forbidden

I planned to keep my boys completely ignorant of a few things for at least 10 more years - gum and paint included. Perhaps I'm a mean mom, but I will never have gum in my purse and even the most innocuously washable paints alarm me. It's the principle. Of the potential mess.
But two women got in the way of my plan. Grandma Cyndee introduced the gum. Grandma Kay, the paint. Grandma Cyndee is most definitely not forgiven for her infraction (luckily I'm so enormously in her debt that this hardly matters). But Grandma Kay can slide by with the painting (which hardly matters for precisely the same reasons). I've had these pictures for a while, but haven't recorded this yet. I told Jim's mom she needs to start a t.v. program - Crafting with Kay. Because every time the boys are at her house, they leave with projects. And smiles.
This time it was marble painting.
You have to know my Aidan to appreciate his serious face in these pictures. He often becomes all stoic when his insides are boiling with excitement. It's that way when he rides quads, when he gets to do "big jobs" with dad. All business.
D evidences no need for such decorum.
With Kay's crafting inspiration, I gave in today, and opened myself to chaos by making salt dough for the kids. They shaped it, we baked it, and in about 30 minutes Mandi's girls will be over to do the "P" word. Yes, I'll have four littles painting at my kitchen table. And I'm getting nervous. And tempted to call in the grandma reinforcements. Apt punishment for introducing the Forbidden.
Reader Comments (18)
Aren't grandmas great? I've found they sometimes do things you never would (and your kids are better for anyway).
Marble painting is great for containing mess. It is a great way to let them do it with very little clean up.
Hooray for getting a new camera lens!
It's so cute that Aidan gets serious when he's excited.
(Grandmas can do whatever they want! hee he!)
Painting's only it outside. This may be why there is paint on quite a few of the bricks on the back side of my house. Geesh.
All four with paint sounds like QUITE the adventure.
I love Aidan's stoic expression.
Grandmas are great for doing fun projects with kids that mothers deem too messy. Keith's mom bakes cinnamon rolls with them, and my mom does all kinds of craft and cooking projects. Perhaps it's the perspective grandmothering brings. Cute picture of the boys with Kay! And I love Aidan's serious look and that you know him well enough to know that means his insides are boiling with excitement.