good intentions??

Sometimes I'm grateful that I had no older brother.
I was just drawn to the back door by Davyn's shrill shrieks. What I saw: Aidan in full-fledged chase, wielding a stick, yelling, "I'm just trying to help you run so you can exercise and be healthy."
Of course, I'm not entirely convinced about A's intentions, but it was evident that D felt no gratitude.
Sometimes I feel the same as a parent. There has been no stick-wielding chase (yet!), but at times my tactics feel similarly desperate & disproportionate. And I often wonder if my Intentions are more "bend to my will" than "for the greater good".
On Saturday Jim and I are starting a 3-week Love & Logic class. I have heard only good things about their philosophy and methods. I'm hoping for answers to a few walls I've hit lately. And perhaps (for D's sake!) I'll be able to pass some of these strategies on to the Big Brother. For the love of the Greater Scott Good.
Reader Comments (33)
The stick chasing cracks me up, I can so visualize the whole situation.
I loved the line. "There has been no stick-wielding chase (yet!), but at times my tactics feel similarly desperate & disproportionate." Wow, can I relate to that!
I have heard that the class is wonderful. I am anxious to hear how it goes. Hopefully we'll get a good detailed review so it can be for OUR greater good as well.
Anytime with the slideshow thing...I AM serious! Give April a CD of pics and I'll whip one up for ya.
often wished I, as a mom could have a hidden video camera on me at all times! Yes, they do the craziest things - and each day they'll try something new :) HA
Thanks for visiting by blog and for the compliment on my photography too.
I am excited to hear what you learn in your class.
I do hope you share what you learn in that class. We could all benefit from a little love and logic, I think!
I think it so funny that kids today know that running around is exercise and that it's good for you (maybe without a stick next time?). Did we ever label it as exercise when we were young? Too funny.
Your writing is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your boys lives with us!
at any rate, how funy is this little peek into the lives of boys. won't you be happy it is recorded?
hope all is well? been a while since you last posted?