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It has been four years since I taught.  But each spring I am reminded of the joys & sorrows of high school English when I have the honor of helping to grade research papers.  The good papers bring me joy for obvious reasons.  And I'll admit that the awful papers bring me a certain red-pen euphoria as well.  I want to make order of chaos.  But it's the mid-level papers that do me in, torture my soul, weigh down my eyelids, force me into frequent breaks.     

And my current break has been long..considering how behind I am on getting these papers done.  I'll simply justify it as a necessary blog catch-up and pat myself on the back.  One step forward, one step back...definitely my signature dance.

Katie's visit

As soon as I hopped in the car after my afternoon with Katie and her cute family a few weeks back, I cursed myself for not getting a picture together.  I hadn't seen Katie for years...had never met her Tim or their two littles.  But the stars aligned and they took an Arizona detour on their Las Vegas to Virginia move.  Old friends are incomparable. No awkwardness.  No nonsense.  Simply picking up where you leave off.

KT's family in front of the Mesa Temple

But I think Katie's a particularly rare kind of person who any & everyone feels comfortable around.  We first met at BYU, and then she introduced me to her native D.C. when I moved there as an intern...very flimsy words for the way she took me into her heart & home at that time, really.  For that I'm in her debt.  And eternally, unrepayably indebted for an October road trip to Vermont.  Ilovermont.

Our kids were kids on our Wednesday afternoon outing - Davyn turned demon in the museum, and her girlies caught the disease through exhaustion by lunch time.  Yet, we comfortably enjoyed the child-rearing discomfort together for a few hours.  I love you, KT & wish you the best of luck in your move!

Davyn did manage to pause mid-hysteria to kiss Nelly and flirt with the camera...there's definitely good reason we deemed this boy Davynova! 

Lunch with Grandma & Grandpa Jones

We met up with them for Grandma's birthday lunch two weeks ago.  I loved this picture of Davyn & Grandpa.
and Savs with Grandma...
My children are blessed enormously in the grandparents department.


First, a picture of Aidan at that Grandma b-day lunch above.
and a fuzzy side view...
...and I didn't snap a picture of his tail in the back.  Far too shocking.

Obviously, we were in dire need of hair help.  The next day the whole family did some running around.  After lunch, Jim spotted a barber shop and there was no ignoring the need.  I so wish I had had my camera there.  The experience was hilarious.  These were true barber shop barbers.  And Aidan's wide variety of facial expressions were killing me.  Davyn didn't need a haircut, but when Aidan was finished, he ran up to the seat so we definitely couldn't deny his enthusiasm. 

Here they are the next day in Sunday best:
I know longer hair has swung back into fashion for boys, but the clean cut, old-fashioned styles are my favorite on this dapper duo. 


& in other GOOD news...

My good friend Angie started a blog.  I've been {not-so-}gently persuading her for quite a while.  She resisted steadily through her pregnancy, but was finally & irretrievably reeled in this month when she realized she has the world's cutest twin girlies.  At least that's what I'm assuming.   Whatever the reason, I'm Elated.  I love Ang & you'd think that  & the fact that we live in the same place would equate significant interaction...but life somehow intercedes.  So I love that I'll now be able to keep track of her & her littles in this blog world even when I lag in the real world.

Now back to the red pen... 

Reader Comments (18)

"Davynova" is a fantastic name and one that certainly applies. He is such a cutie!

Aidan looks quite handsome with his new do.
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
"Red pen euphoria" now that's funny.

The boys look so handsome with their new haircuts. Landon just got one this week after needing one for about 10 days, so though it's shorter than I'd like he looks so much better!
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJill
I loved your post about Katie... it was so sweet... and old friends really are wonderful!!

And thanks for being behind Angie starting a blog... I believe there were times when she said she would never have one :)
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMaryRuth
Thanks for the great laugh about your red pen. I can picture you doing an evil laugh while marking up a paper.
I love your boys haircuts. They look very handsome!
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa Masitis
What a great photo and news post! Always so fun to see your cute boys!
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
Amy, that photo of Davyn and Grandpa is priceless. It really brought tears to my eyes, it is so precious and raw.
Love your blog!!! :)
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
I know I've said this before but I am SO glad you and Katie were able to hang out that day while I worked. Looks like you had a lot of fun! I was sad to watch them drive off that night knowing that I couldn't make a day trip out of visiting them anymore. But, more excuses for some DC visits aren't bad either.

Your boys are SUPER handsome with their new haircuts. I agree that shorter is better.

Thanks for the welcome. MR is right, I was at one time opposed to blogging (for me), but the pull of not having to keep up a family scrapbook was too strong and I caved.
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAng
Gone are my days of the cute short boy haircuts! Your littles are just too darling! The photo of Davynova is so tender! You should frame that for his room! Looks like a great catch up with family and good friends!
Congrats to your cute sister and darling baby! How is he doing?
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPrice Cream Parlor
Aidan and Davyn look soooo handsome!!
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTonya Whiting
Okay, I'll try to recreate my comment from last night that your blog said "permission denied" to.

So fun that you got to see Katie! I love the picture of Davyn with Grandpa Jones. Definitely belongs in a frame! Your boys are so handsome. I always love your Sunday best photos.

Are you having fun with the red pen? I remember a couple of years ago there being a big controversy about red pens. Parents felt they were too harsh, and so some school districts were using purple instead. Go crazy with the red!
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
That's hilarious, Kelly. Ya, purple is definitely less intimidating than red. So bazaar. And honestly I'm of the cruel variety who thinks on some occasions harshness is precisely what's due! Red, it is!
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
I love friends like that! Your boys look adorable and so old!
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShanon
That is the true sign of a great friendship, when you can just pick up where you left off. Grandparents are definitely a blessing...the more the better. And I too favor the clean-cut look to the shaggy trend.
March 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKatie
Dave took the boys for haircuts today...they came back buzzed! Needless to say I was a bit put out about their new do's. Apparently I need to be a bit more specific in my haircut expectations. Yow!

Thanks for your sweet is good to be missed, good to be back, not good to be overwhelmed with all there is to do for tomorrow, but oh well.
March 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterApril
I am totally got what you were saying about the reading papers thing. I like things to either be brilliant, wonderful, and stimulating, or a total nightmare I cam bring order to. The wishy-washy middle is where I struggle. In just about every aspect of my life, the middle is bad news.
March 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
you know i am quite fond of the dapper (read: short hair) look myself. the boys look smashing!
March 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlelly
I am a HUGE fan of the boys' haircuts! They just look so darling at church. Those pictures at lunch with grandpa were darling too.
March 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
Davynova. That is classic! Old friends are incomparable, and grandparents are wonderful! I am a huge fan of the short, clean cuts on boys as well. Yours look darling!
March 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermichelle

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