52 Blessings

week 6: watching a Testimony become
This boy sees clearly (tip-toed & eager) without the 25 cents.
You have kids..thinking you're going to teach them, guide them, inspire them. Then it turns out to be much the reverse. Aidan teaches, guides, inspires and humbles me. He is earnest. He sees right & wrong in a clear black & white spectrum (and sometimes reminds me firmly of the difference). Witnessing the development of his simple testimony truly moves me and blesses my life. Some Aidan moments from this week:
- Our FHE lesson on Monday was about Gratitude. We had a small bowl that we took turns spooning water into, each time naming one thing we're thankful for, until our cup of goodness from Above was spilling over with water (thanks for the great lesson, Melissa!). We started out listing simple, every day things we were grateful for, but it was Aidan who took us to the next level, saying, "I'm thankful for Jesus because he died for us."
- Just 10 minutes ago, Aidan yelled to me from his bed, "I just said a prayer and blessed school. Because me and Savannah don't like school so I just thought I should bless it." Oh the wisdom of learning to pray for "the desire" at a young age!
- This week (inspired by Lucy) I started reading the Book of Mormon as a regular book. Every time I sat to read during the daytime, Aidan grabbed his tiny red Book of Mormon and sat beside me, asking what page I was on. At 4, he can't read, but I'd read him a few verses, then he'd just sit and say "I'm thinking about the words quiet in my head, Mom." He is sincerely in love with his little red book and hordes it like a treasure.
And I'm sincerely in love with him...thankful for the growth that comes from being the mother of such an one.
52 blessings,

Reader Comments (10)
This week I was upstairs and Carter and Aimee were down in the playroom by themselves. When I came down to check on them, they were playing "home evening" and giving each other lessons. I could not hug them tight enough.
I hope your reading goes well.