blogging makes the world go round

Okay, I don't really believe that. But, blogging does make the world a whole lot smaller. Click from sidebar to sidebar to sidebar and you have a new friend, new idea, new inspiration. We were pretty housebound with sickness this past week so I spent more time than usual on the internet. In my random clickings I found this: The Great Interview Experiment.
The tally is currently at 386. I jumped in somewhere around 347 (I actually have no idea, but just go with me on this for a moment). This meant #346 perused my blog and interviewed me via e-mail. And I perused the blog of #348 (Peeved Michelle) and interviewed her via e-mail.
I laughed to find out that my interviewer actually met Jimi Hendrix in person. I now can claim two degrees of separation from the man himself...:). Click here to read the post about the meeting. After that, I'm probably a disappointingly tame non-related former Hendrix to interview. But here it is:
1. As the mother of two boys (I've two myself!), you seem pretty busy. How and when do you find time to blog?
My theory is that you always have time for things you want to do most…which is why I conveniently don't have time for laundry or grocery shopping..:). I do worry that as my boys get older, it'll be far more difficult to find "me" time (ie. blogging time) because the demands of running them here & there will be much larger. But for now I'll enjoy their pre-school stage. And we'll take on the rest as it comes!
2. How has being raised in a family that moved around a lot influenced the way you meet new people, traditions and ideas?
3. Of all of the office gadgets that have been invented (staplers, paper clips, etc.), which will you absolutely not live without?
4. You seem to have a happy, fulfilling marriage. What one piece of advice would you give someone who still has not found the "right one"?
5. In your "100 Things" you state that you want to know people's secret histories. Are you okay with people knowing your own?
6. What time of day, for you, is best for blogging? Are you able to keep to that?
7. If you were to be stranded on a desert island and could only take one fellow blogger with you, whom would it be?
8. Have you ever attended a bloggers' convention or get-together? If so, did you enjoy it? If no, would you consider going to one?
9. If money was no object and you could take your family any place you wanted for vacation, where would you go?
10. So, are you related to Jimi Hendrix? (I actually met him once) ;^)
And, in other Blogging-Makes-The-World-Go-Round (or not) news, Lucy has awarded me this:
In acceptance of this honor, I'd like to say, if you haven't had a proper intro to Lucy, you must go read this post. She's real and brings proper perspective to life's madness through hilarity. Seriously, I dare you not to crack a smile as you read her description of The Five Stages of Blog Award Awareness.
Reader Comments (8)
Do you see in color? :)
Hope you are all feeling better and had a great Sunday.
Lucy's post was funny! I did more than crack a smile.
You really do roar in my book. That's no joke!:)