word of the week: charily

charily : /adv./ gingerly, carefully. warily. guardedly. cautiously. also sparingly or frugally.
On Friday morning, the boys and I headed to the park. Davyn has become quite the dawdler (rivaling my own Tyler back in the day, in fact!), and he was refusing to use the restroom before our outing. My voice became louder & louder in the shift from frustration to out-n-out anger. Aidan charily approached me, placed his hand on my shoulder and matter-of-factly informed: “I’m going back upstairs to get my CTR ring. I think it will help you remember to be good today.”
Aidan’s new ring also came into prime focus on Sunday afternoon with his first primary talk ever. He came home from church the week before with a tiny slip of paper that brought him joy and me woe. Why? Well, some of you may remember my retelling of his first scripture reading ever…oh yes, the one that ended in him hurling a chair at the wide-eyed junior primary congregation. With that memory still all-too-clear, I charily helped my boy prepare for his talk. I did not want to be up front and center for a repeat performance of last year’s antics, so our preparation was cautious and complete. He was geniunely excited about the talk and even gave me ideas on what he wanted to say. Still...I charily awaited Sunday. When Jim kindly replaced me in the role of picture holder/ear whisperer. Not that Aidy needed the whispering…just the reassurance, really. My stomach was in knots all morning. But my boy shined.
It turns out the junior primary crowd gives more attention to furniture tossing than simple testimony.
Still...he had my full attention, plus.
Reader Comments (20)
How do you get kids to move? If you ever find out the answer please let me know!
And--so glad for the talk success!
Glad the talk went better than the scripture reading. Our primary is so small that both my boys have already give a plethora of talks and scriptures. So much fun!
So glad it didn't turn into the WWF but I bet the CTR 7's were secretly disappointed.
Love Aidan's gentle correction and love your use of the work of the week.
I am glad the talk went well... and can't wait to read about the original incident.
I can just see his little face as he helped you calm down. Small wonder we are told to become as little children.
That boy of yours is something else! He's like the angel on your shoulder. It's amazing how much they soak up and internalize. We had the opposite experience when Brynlee was preschool age -- I made her wear one to preschool to help remind her during a particularly rough patch. But, I'll be the first to admit that I could stand a CTR ring of my own from time to time.
and testimony while the group is being less than
polite. He's so cute with his ring and jammies on ;)