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    word of the week:  charily

    charily : /adv./ gingerly, carefully. warily. guardedly. cautiously. also sparingly or frugally.

    On Friday morning, the boys and I headed to the park. Davyn has become quite the dawdler (rivaling my own Tyler back in the day, in fact!), and he was refusing to use the restroom before our outing.  My voice became louder & louder in the shift from frustration to out-n-out anger. Aidan charily approached me, placed his hand on my shoulder and matter-of-factly informed: “I’m going back upstairs to get my CTR ring. I think it will help you remember to be good today.”


    Aidan’s new ring also came into prime focus on Sunday afternoon with his first primary talk ever.  He came home from church the week before with a tiny slip of paper that brought him joy and me woe.  Why?  Well, some of you may remember my retelling of his first scripture reading ever…oh yes, the one that ended in him hurling a chair at the wide-eyed junior primary congregation. With that memory still all-too-clear, I charily helped my boy prepare for his talk. I did not want to be up front and center for a repeat performance of last year’s antics, so our preparation was cautious and complete. He was geniunely excited about the talk and even gave me ideas on what he wanted to say. Still...I charily awaited Sunday.  When Jim kindly replaced me in the role of picture holder/ear whisperer.  Not that Aidy needed the whispering…just the reassurance, really.  My stomach was in knots all morning.  But my boy shined. 

    It turns out the junior primary crowd gives more attention to furniture tossing than simple testimony.
    Still...he had my full attention, plus.  

    References (3)

    References allow you to track sources for this article, as well as articles that were written in response to this article.
    • Response
      Response: Frank Dellaglio
      Momentary Madness - Journal - word of the week: charily
    • Response
      Response: Rashmi Patel
      Momentary Madness - Journal - word of the week: charily
    • Response
      Response: Rashmi Patel
      Momentary Madness - Journal - word of the week: charily

    Reader Comments (20)

    Kaitlyn is sitting here with me and was so excited to see Aiden's CTR ring. "He has a ring--just like me!" She has been wearing her ring almost constantly since she got it.

    How do you get kids to move? If you ever find out the answer please let me know!

    And--so glad for the talk success!
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
    I guess everyone got CTR's rings this new year, both my boys got one. Talin thinks he can't choose the right unless he has the ring on, and Collin has already lost his, which makes total sense in his lack of good choices lately.
    Glad the talk went better than the scripture reading. Our primary is so small that both my boys have already give a plethora of talks and scriptures. So much fun!
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
    I have one who volunteers for talks any chance she gets (bet you can't guess which one...) and even gives impromtu talks when someone doesn't show up for theirs. These have been interesting (Tiff's word) doctrinally!

    So glad it didn't turn into the WWF but I bet the CTR 7's were secretly disappointed.

    Love Aidan's gentle correction and love your use of the work of the week.
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterApril
    His talk was awesome and he was so cute! I just wish our Primary was more reverent so I could have heard him better! I love that he's obsessed with his CTR ring and choosing the right. Savy doesn't seem that interested, maybe she doesn't have as good teachers as Aidan (ha! ha! ha!)
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
    Don't you just love it when your kids give YOU a course correction? I thought Aidan's was especially touching.

    I am glad the talk went well... and can't wait to read about the original incident.
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRachel
    That is one of the funniest things I have ever heard! He say the cutest, most parenting things. What a good boy. I'm glad his talk went well too. Way to teach him to CTR.
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShanon
    Good job Aiden! I do remember your post about the chair incident! Ohh, the joys, huh? How cute that his CTR ring is helping him CTR! :)
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle
    Carter got his first CTR ring this Sunday and was very proud of it. How wonderful that Aiden fully understands the purpose of the ring.

    I can just see his little face as he helped you calm down. Small wonder we are told to become as little children.
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
    I missed the original story, and I'm almost sad another piece of furniture wasn't used this time because that is a great story. Believe me, anyone that has ever had a child, been in primary can appreciate it. I love his CTRness too. It's humbling, isn't it?
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLucy
    How funny that Aidan was trying to talk you through your moment. What a cutie!
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermandy
    I love his thought behind him racing upstairs to get his ring! Did that kill you or what? Ah, the joys of mothering! I love the photo with his ring! Priceless for sure!
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPrice Cream Parlor
    I could have sworn I commented on this earlier, but maybe it was just inside my head.

    That boy of yours is something else! He's like the angel on your shoulder. It's amazing how much they soak up and internalize. We had the opposite experience when Brynlee was preschool age -- I made her wear one to preschool to help remind her during a particularly rough patch. But, I'll be the first to admit that I could stand a CTR ring of my own from time to time.
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
    Glad to hear his talk went well. I'm sure you (both of you) were proud. And very nice of him to share his ring when you were in need!
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKatie
    How cute is that? I love it when our own children can humble us. Mine often do more times that I would like to admit. I am glad he pushed the chair aside and shined radiantly! :)
    January 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjenny c.
    Unrelated note...this week on American Idol a girl auditioned...she was the last one Tuesday evening. She made it through to Hollywood. Brooke White. She went to Heritage with my sister Adrianne, so I thought that you would know her as well. You can YouTube her to see her. She is a nice girl.
    January 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnna
    oh my-- sweet ring story and so glad he shined!!!
    January 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercarlo
    So cute! It's so hard to see your sweetie give a talk
    and testimony while the group is being less than
    polite. He's so cute with his ring and jammies on ;)
    January 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersista #2
    I'm sure everyone is grateful not to have a repeat of last year. Strangely Alexis has yet to give a Primary talk (knock on wood) but I sure hate it when she reprimands me, particularly for yelling, and I know I am in the wrong.
    January 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnnalisa
    You know that polar bears grow to maturity in only 2 years starting out the same size as a kitten? I am convinced it takes 18 years to raise our children because we the parents need the lessons along the way. My children are my own real live CTR rings that are constantly motivating me to do better.
    January 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBarb
    that is the sweetest picture AND story.... what a darling!
    January 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHilary

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