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    One Word

    My mom loves chocolate, but she has an uncanny ability to make one bar last for weeks.  I may be flesh of her flesh, but why oh why did I not inherit this ability to prolong gratification?

    Then there's Jim, who loves words & ideas as much as I do, but always stops to *think* before expressing himself (a completely foreign concept to me).  During his lengthy phone pauses I often think we’ve been disconnected... nope, still thinking it through.  This, of course, has often made me raving mad.  I want answers & I want them now.  And in my anger, he has the audacity to hold me to everything I say, thought through or not.

    Yes, yes, I have a problem.  Lots, I'm sure.  But, one of my [capital P] Problems that causes [lowercase p] problems galore is this inability to Pause before ________ (a million answers fit this blank).

    This is why my One Word chose me.  It has been a week(plus) since I expressed my intention to focus on One Word in this still-fairly-new year.  Lack of blog follow-up has definitely not meant lack of total follow-up…or at least not in this case (no queries about the exercise intentions, please).  

    The word PAUSE has glued itself to my brain.  Yes, I need to Pause.

    I love the concept of Pause, and all that it encompasses. 


    It’s Heroes night.  I love the show for many reasons.  One of them is Hiro.  This insanely cute little Japanese man has the ability to freeze time.  Everything stops mid-breath, mid-word, mid-movement, and he is able to interact within this Still frame of a Paused world.  Calmly, serenely.  Sigh.  If only...  My time freezing powers are non-existent, but there’s still something to this.  I honestly think I can experience the same *sort* of calm within.  If I pause…consider…slow down…wait

    I will gain the space & time, even perspective, to Act more than I React.  An infinitely better "if only."

    No magic, but huge Power.  My boys would love the pause to Calm when I find that they’ve flooded the back yard...again.  Perhaps I can even pause to Enjoy the muddy moment when (unfortunatley, not if) this happens.  Jim needs my pause to Appreciate; he needs to realize how much I truly am grateful for all that he is & does.  He’d also enjoy the pause to Consider when I [perhaps!] relinquish some staunch opinions in the step-back to-see-what’s-truly-best. 

    I want to do all of that, but I especially want to Pause to Serve.  Life flies by.  We all know that.  I want to know that AND know that I have looked for ways to help & give every week, if not every day, of my life.  I know that I need to Pause to step away from "Me" in order to do this more fully.  I want to notice needs - listen to people, hear what they're not saying, then act.  But, first the magic calming of the rush, the pause to step Beyond.

    Of course, this will take time.  I love having a blog that will always allow a pause for Remember.  Another genius remember tactic - Annalisa pasted her word on her mirror.  Ali posted hers on a wall.  There is definite power in seeing something every day.  I think I’ll follow suit with this sign (above) that I made.

    Thank you to the other Words that have inspired me to Focus on my own.

    Aunt Judy – Gratitude & follow-up post
    Mandi - Breathe (great minds think alike!)
    Annalisa – Positive
    Michelle – Free
    Ali – Peace

     *Have you chosen a word yet?*

    Reader Comments (11)

    I pause to make a comment because I am in awe of the symmetry of your thoughts. I love how you tied magic and power to your word through its ability to shape your life and as an approach to life.
    January 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercode red
    What a great choice and one I would have never considered. Definitely an area I could improve, especially before I leap to anger. Brett is always telling me to have patience as he slows down extra slow which just drives me crazy. I really like your sign, and I sure love Hiro. Just don't be less witty because you pause to think when you comment :).
    January 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnnalisa
    I love your word. I love that it found you instantly. I love that it will have such far-reaching effects in your life. I think it will be interesting to look back over the year next January and see the difference.

    I am still pondering my word. It definitely shouldn't be "ponder".

    I love Hiro! I had to stop watching Heroes because it became too much for my soul to take, but Keith will rewind the Hiro moments for me. I am disappointed that his English is getting so much better, though. He is tremendously cute anyway.
    January 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
    Everyone is in need of your chosen "pause". Each can shape and mold it to fit their own situation. I am struck by the insight of "I want to hear what they are not saying" This statement tells me volumes about its author.
    January 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteroldgeezer
    I am a HUGE hero fan. And I would have to agree Hiro is a great character I wish I had his power too!

    I haven't chosen a word for fear I would change mine on a daily basis.
    January 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjenny
    Kel, I'm with you on sadness over Hiro's improved English. But his quirkiness still speaks Japanese fluently.
    January 30, 2007 | Registered CommenterAmy
    How doesn't love Hiro! He is adorable! He totally makes me laugh!
    I loved your thoughts on your new word and all that it is wrapped around. I have been thinking of my ONE WORD for weeks - I have finally decided (not blogged about it yet) my word for this year is BE STILL. (yes, two words actually, but one thought!)
    January 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPrice Cream Parlor
    Amy Girl, your thoughts have taken me to a place of quiet contemplation. The place where sweetness softens the soul and angels whisper comfort. It's probably pronounced because I caught up on your last one as well, and your words have simply wrapped around me.
    Thanks for the lift, the hug, the blessedness of it all.
    January 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAunt Judy
    Amy Girl, your thoughts have taken me to a place of quiet contemplation. The place where sweetness softens the soul and angels whisper comfort. It's probably pronounced because I caught up on your last one as well, and your words have simply wrapped around me.
    Thanks for the lift, the hug, the blessedness of it all.
    January 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAunt Judy
    I thought it was hilarious when we "revealed" our words to each other last week and I explained mine and then you said yours and they were basically the same!!! Looks like we both need the same things in our lives.

    I am with "oldgeezer" in saying that I liked the comment about listening to people, but listening more to what they're not saying and then moving on to help them, if needed. It does, indeed, speak volumes about you b/c you do exactly that -- you are always helping people out and it amazes me (not that you do help, but how often and how much you're willing to give of yourself). You are always thinking of how to help people and then doing it.

    Who is "oldgeezer"???
    January 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
    I am impressed with your unusual choice for a word of the year - and the various meanings you can derive from it on a daily basis, all bringing you back to the moment, allowing you to pause. Just beautiful.
    February 1, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterrebecca

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