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Christmas 2013.

Our kids are growing up.  Mostly that's enjoyable, but sometimes I worry that the childhood magic is melting away.  For example, whenever I'd ask A what he wanted for Christmas in October, this was his depressing response:  "I don't need anything really."  What?! That answer made me sad. Last year he surprised us (and himself) when he walked into Santa's stash at Jim's office, and I don't think he was quite ready for the truth that followed. In so many ways, I want him to stay young! To keep dreaming wildly for a few more least!  But he is partially his father's practical son, and partially a very aware oldest child who doesn't want to stress his parents with demands.

I didn't realize, though - at the outset of this season - that a new magic replaces the old when a child reaches a certain age. The world takes on a larger orbit as they become well aware of the fact that they are not the central figure on its stage. There have been multiple upon multiple times through this year's holiday festivities that my Aidan has come to my side and given me a hug and a genuine "thank you", and multiple upon multiple times when he has conspiratorily glanced at me as he talks to the younger two about Santa or prods them to their own "thank you"'s.  No, growing up is not so bad with a boy like A. He gave me many magical moments to treasure this season, and I'm grateful for his heightened awareness of others.

Our Annual Christmas Eve PJ picture:

This is our traditional pose (began with Davyn's first Christmas at 11 months old). I can't wait to see this pose the last Christmas before Aidan's mission, when they're 17, 16 and 11. They're such little traditionists that I don't even think it will take prodding on my part! I look at this picture and feel a flood of gratitude for the life I live. I love being the mother of  these three!

A few highlight pictures from yesterday:

I always make them pause for a pic on the stairs before them come into the Living Room on Christmas morning.  They feigned sleep for this one, but it reminds me to note that my kids do blessedly love sleep.  We don't have to do crazy early Christmas mornings.  7:00 seemed just fine to me. 

and one more picture pause at the stairs...just to properly tease!

My Davyn is fascinated with the world around him.  Santa brought him a microscope with prepared slides and slide-making tools.  I love witnessing his thirst for knowledge. 

And his patience with Miss Mae. She was very frustrated with the concept of opening only one eye so she could see inside the microscope. 

so she gladly traded science for this spot on Dad's lap.

Aidan with his air soft gun.  He spent most of the day shooting in the backyard.

I had way too much fun playing with Azure's Maleficent doll.  I do love a good villain. 

These were my favorite gifts of all - both handmade by papa for Azure:

Mike & Kay joined us for Christmas morning breakfast.  They are the best breakfast makers ever so it wasn't quite as good as at their house, but the kids were excited to see them on Christmas morning.

Jim and Davyn were installing running boards on the truck, and I ran to grab my camera when I saw how cute they looked.  D - of course - had his legs crossed...he cracks me up. 

All the Scott boys had fun building the trebuchet from the kit I got Jim.  You have to have something to put together (and launch!) on Christmas day, right?

Mostly we had a quiet day - good food, gifts, family, games.  I love this life that I'm blessed to have.  And - most of all - I'm grateful for my Savior's birth that began a life that changed the world.  For our combined Christmas lesson in Young Women's we read The Living Christ and then each leader took a few minutes to bear testimony of the Savior.  The spirit was powerfully present in that room.  When it was my turn I told the Young Women that this is the best gift we could ever give them - sharing our testimonies of the divinity and love of Christ. I know they felt it.  And I know that my children have felt it during this holiday season, as well.  I know that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and I am grateful for the tender mercy of the Atonement and His presence in my life. 


Christmas Lights: a bird's eye view

Most years we go see the Mesa temple lights with Jim's family at some point during the Christmas season.  Last Friday Jim mentioned to me that his dad wanted to take us all on Sunday night.  But our vantage would be a little different than the usual:

Mesa Temple Grounds

(excuse the blur)

Gilbert Temple Grounds

(isn't it gorgeous??!)

Mike works at the Temple with a Brother Hatch who kindly agreed to take us all up for these amazing views. The thought of my whole little family up in a tiny airplane initilly unnerved me (and my Aidan), but it was a smooth, gorgeous and comfortable trip. My nerves only flared when Davyn got out of his seatbelt.  I sign languaged him (because it is loud up there when you take your headphone set off...and I didn't want to disturb the pilot with my mid-air mothering through the intercom) back to his rear end in the seat position. He might have missed a few sights, but my imagination saw him leaning against his little door and plummeting through the night sky. I was more than willing to sacrifice his sightline.   

Jim sat in the front with Brother Hatch piloting.  Azure was to my right:

And the boys were in the back (these pics taken pre-flight):

(please excuse the extreme red-eye...if I take the time to edit, these will never get on here!)

Despite Davyn's wiggles, I loved sitting in the middle so that I could keep tabs on my three (not-so) littles.  Their delight was apparent.  Azure sat absolutely still and quiet, but the boys riddled Brother Hatch with questions and commentary throughout the trip. Aidan completely impressed me with his polite "thank you" after each query was answered. Davyn completely embarrassed me as he interrupted the times of "radio silence" when the pilot needed to talk to the tower.  So we hit the full spectrum of parenting, I guess - the constant swell between pride and horror. 

Still...the city lights and freeway were so pretty from up high. So peaceful, so still.

We felt so lucky to have such a fun Christmas light excursion.  Thank you, Mike, for arranging, and Brother Hatch for your generosity!

The whole Scott crew.  It took three trips for us all to have a turn!


i ♥ primary

September 4, 2013:  I wrote this last November, after being released as Primary president.  I never finished, never published it to permanence.  But I don't want my thoughts to slip away into nothing because those Primary years were truly a Joy. So, though this writing is in a rough state, I'm clicking the publish box now.


What I learned from Primary:

  • Children are reverent when we are reverent. 
  • Music is powerful.
  • The Spirit taught when I put props aside and put my trust in the Lord instead.
  • There will always be problems to solve, callings to fill. 
  • Every human - little or large - LOVES to hear their name & be known. 
  • Teachers make the biggest impact.  Do you remember the Stake Primary President from when you were young?  The ward Primary president?  No.  You remember your teachers.  That influence can be profound.
  • The Lord truly has the power to make you more than you are on your own.  
  • My boys are my biggest fans.


Yesterday Jim accused me of loving Halloween.  I instantly & indignantly denied, then was startled to reflect & realize he is right.  I LOVE dressing up my kids and seeing their excitement.  It's these moments I want to bottle up...perhaps to bring out and sprinkle on the "everyday" of some dreary February afternoon.  Trick or Treating was a treat for me.  Miss Mae sped anxiously to each door, then rushed back to the security of Mom, grasping my hand firmly each time until I nodded her to the next doorway.  And she squealed every. time. a piece of candy was dropped into her bag.  I sqealed inside each time her little hand grabbed mine.  Who knows if she'll want to cling so closely to me next year or the next. 


Azure is still well under the power of Mom's opinions, so when I saw a darling Wonder Woman costume on etsy, I quickly swayed her toward it. Which really wasn't difficult once she saw the giant star-spangled tutu. My talented friend sewed it together for less than half the etsy price (yay!). I added the armbands, magic lasso, and tiara, and we spray-painted Aidan's first pair of cowboy boots (her favorite accessory by far).

the first time she tried on the costume, her hands went straight to her hips...such the superhero pose.

dancing (not so superhero, but sooooo Miss Mae)

[a little aside:  yesterday we were headed to the store and Azh grabbed her tiara and boots.  She was yawning, so I asked if she was too tired to come.  Her response:  "No, Mom.  People need to see me with my boots on."  Really???]


Davyn starts considering Halloween costumes by mid-summer [I definitely know where he gets that from!].  This year when I asked what he was thinking about, his eyes lit up and he replied, "Whatever gets me the most attention."  Well, attention is exactly what he got with his headless doctor costume. 


My powers of persuasion no longer extend to my Aidan [though that statement falsely presupposes that they ever did!].  Otherwise, you would see him here in a giant mustache and strong man tank top.  His main costume requirement, however, was not a dumbbell...or even an awesome 'stache.  Not surprising to those who know my boy...he needed a weapon. 

 and now is the part where they posed & posed & posed.  I LOVE my sillies.


AND I love that we trick-or-treated with the Hendrix hoodlums.  Cousins ROCK!



the return of Davynova

D has always been a charmer...big blue eyes and constant kisses, he was a born flirt.  One of his earliest nicknames was Davynova.  I remember sitting in the foyer of the church one Sunday when the boy was about two, he sandwiched between me and another sister in the ward.  After loving on me for a while, he turned and started kissing on her arm.  No matter that he hardly knew her.  She was a woman, and that's what mattered. 

Considering that he started his charming so long ago, I shouldn't have been surprised this afternoon when he came to me saying that he had written a song.  A love song, that is.  The words were all ready, and he was going to sit at the piano to work out the tune. 


If You Have a Love

If you have a love, all you have to do

is ask her on a date when you’re sixteen

and get married when twenty-two.

All you have to do is a little kiss

or if she has lots of jobs, just do them from her list.

If she sings her favorite song,

then just sing along.

When you get married to the girl,

say she looks cute, especially her golden curl. 


I can't help but think of the lucky girl who will someday spend the better part of a lifetime being properly worshipped by this sweet boy of mine.