Christmas 2013.

Our kids are growing up. Mostly that's enjoyable, but sometimes I worry that the childhood magic is melting away. For example, whenever I'd ask A what he wanted for Christmas in October, this was his depressing response: "I don't need anything really." What?! That answer made me sad. Last year he surprised us (and himself) when he walked into Santa's stash at Jim's office, and I don't think he was quite ready for the truth that followed. In so many ways, I want him to stay young! To keep dreaming wildly for a few more least! But he is partially his father's practical son, and partially a very aware oldest child who doesn't want to stress his parents with demands.
I didn't realize, though - at the outset of this season - that a new magic replaces the old when a child reaches a certain age. The world takes on a larger orbit as they become well aware of the fact that they are not the central figure on its stage. There have been multiple upon multiple times through this year's holiday festivities that my Aidan has come to my side and given me a hug and a genuine "thank you", and multiple upon multiple times when he has conspiratorily glanced at me as he talks to the younger two about Santa or prods them to their own "thank you"'s. No, growing up is not so bad with a boy like A. He gave me many magical moments to treasure this season, and I'm grateful for his heightened awareness of others.
Our Annual Christmas Eve PJ picture:
This is our traditional pose (began with Davyn's first Christmas at 11 months old). I can't wait to see this pose the last Christmas before Aidan's mission, when they're 17, 16 and 11. They're such little traditionists that I don't even think it will take prodding on my part! I look at this picture and feel a flood of gratitude for the life I live. I love being the mother of these three!
A few highlight pictures from yesterday:
I always make them pause for a pic on the stairs before them come into the Living Room on Christmas morning. They feigned sleep for this one, but it reminds me to note that my kids do blessedly love sleep. We don't have to do crazy early Christmas mornings. 7:00 seemed just fine to me.
and one more picture pause at the stairs...just to properly tease!
My Davyn is fascinated with the world around him. Santa brought him a microscope with prepared slides and slide-making tools. I love witnessing his thirst for knowledge.
And his patience with Miss Mae. She was very frustrated with the concept of opening only one eye so she could see inside the microscope.
so she gladly traded science for this spot on Dad's lap.
Aidan with his air soft gun. He spent most of the day shooting in the backyard.
I had way too much fun playing with Azure's Maleficent doll. I do love a good villain.
These were my favorite gifts of all - both handmade by papa for Azure:
Mike & Kay joined us for Christmas morning breakfast. They are the best breakfast makers ever so it wasn't quite as good as at their house, but the kids were excited to see them on Christmas morning.
Jim and Davyn were installing running boards on the truck, and I ran to grab my camera when I saw how cute they looked. D - of course - had his legs crossed...he cracks me up.
All the Scott boys had fun building the trebuchet from the kit I got Jim. You have to have something to put together (and launch!) on Christmas day, right?
Mostly we had a quiet day - good food, gifts, family, games. I love this life that I'm blessed to have. And - most of all - I'm grateful for my Savior's birth that began a life that changed the world. For our combined Christmas lesson in Young Women's we read The Living Christ and then each leader took a few minutes to bear testimony of the Savior. The spirit was powerfully present in that room. When it was my turn I told the Young Women that this is the best gift we could ever give them - sharing our testimonies of the divinity and love of Christ. I know they felt it. And I know that my children have felt it during this holiday season, as well. I know that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and I am grateful for the tender mercy of the Atonement and His presence in my life.
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