a week ago today

I turned 37.
Jim showed up on my doorstep with flowers. At 9 a.m.
And donuts. Aidan then took over...opened the box, went down on one knee in front of me, and proclaimed, "please make your choice, my lady". He is Jim in miniature. Charming at will.
I made a creamy mascarpone lemon cake. Poked three candles in, turned out the lights, and watched the delight dance in the little Miss's eyes. The boys gigled in turn.
Wish granted.
But I'm skipping ahead of myself. Earlier in the day I granted a wish. For good measure. By playing Dynasty Warriors with all three boys as Azure napped. I couldn't follow the map..never can on video games, but all (or most) chiding of the birthday girl was reserved.
We grilled steaks for dinner. From the cow that Jim's parents just slaughtered. Jim thanked Heavenly Father for that creature's life and meat...and then for mine - life, meat, all. I gave a hearty "amen".
When I'm smart enough to pause the spinning, I realize that this simple life is the sum of every wish I've ever had.
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