goodbye to school

I was a bit emotional with school ending this year. Because the year flew by frighteningly fast. Because I loved teaching and won't be back in the fall. Because Aidan is suddenly a third grader. Because I won't have to do mid-day Kindergarten pick-up for four blessed years.
These were the teacher Thank-You's we made this year:
One for Davyn's beloved Miss Arnold.
One for Aidan's saintly Miss Roberts (who patiently helped my chatterbox A to learn a little self-restraint).
There was also one I didn't snap a picture of. For my favorite teacher this year. Mrs. Patch shared her curriculum and patience as I taught the overflow of her loaded schedule. I loved working with her and was honored to teach some fabulous books.
Here is my graduate:
Doesn't he look old? And handsome?? And crazy smartt???
And my Aidan on the last day of school..with strep:
Reader Comments (2)
My kids are still in school for another two weeks, and I still haven't even THOUGHT about teacher gifts. Yours are adorable, but I know that mine would not turn out like that!