when we started our family

I had no clue how hard it would be. OR how completely Fulfilling.
What I did know? I loved Jim Scott.
And luckily he loved me back enough to dive into the unknown together.
Which led to this:
(photo by the phenomenal Kim Skinner)
My little family is - by far - my biggest joy.
Each addition has changed and softened me, made me better.
Jim - surprisingly - hasn't required the same refining. I'll have to admit, I thought he would. But he is a crazy softy and cues in so amazingly to the needs of those he loves. I learned that quickly after I finally convinced him to marry me.
Last week was father's day. One thing I love most about Jim is how hard he works to cultivate relationships with each of our children.
The boys {all three} have a current obsession with Dynasty Warriors on the PS3. Ancient Chinese battles (don't be surprised if you see Azure dressed up as Lu Bu for Halloween in a few months). Our summer indulgence: they strategize at the dinnertable when Jim gets home and then play well past their schoolday bedtime.
It's a shift from the springtime evening norm - when it was much cooler outside than it is now. Dad and all 3 could be found on most evenings kicking or throwing a ball around in the backyard. Which is why Mom and all 3 decided to have this picture made to give him for father's day:
(done by the phenomenal Megan Chambers)
I love that she captured them exactly as they are this year - A's soccer obsession (which *almost* equals his dad's), D's season of coach pitch baseball, and Azure's unique wild-hair&full-skirt brand of girliness. They adore their dad.
And I still do, too.
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