to Aidan at Eight

After church today, Dad took you to your baptism interview. You came home beaming. Of course I wanted details. I ideally don't want to be a meddling mother, but if I'm completely honest I'll admit that I would have loved a replay of every single word you spoke/breath you took in that room. I prodded, but your only smiling reply was, "it was just fun."
And then you were off. Humming to yourself for the next half hour. I don't think you even know when it happens, but when you're happy you do that. The happy undoubtedly was due to a generous portion of the spirit poured straight into your not-so-little-anymore self.
Eight is big.
And Baptism is huge.
And you're ready.
On Wednesday night, you and I went on an official date. It was a highlight of my year..of my mothering life, maybe. And it's something we should definitely do more often. Our first stop was the temple. Where we took pictures of you for baptism invites. You looked oh so dapper in your pin-striped suit. Always a suit boy. But it's high time we accessorize that handsome piece. So we headed to grab the next 8th birthday necessity from the church bookstore. Scriptures. Who knew that a shiny new quad and case would be toted around like a prize pig? You are thrilled with your new ownerships and proudly show everyone who'll look.
Our last stop was per your specific request: a fancy restaurant. Charleston's was our choice, and you were an abundantly charming dining partner. I laughed when you sidled up next to me in the booth, leaving the other side completely empty. You proclaimed it "a real date". Removed from the bustle of our everyday "busy" and your siblings, we talked & talked. It made me realize that I need to simply stop and listen more often. Because you have a lot to say.
The conversation ranged in topic from tackle football to softened hearts. The latter is something we both struggle to master. And I've been thinking a lot about that. I guess if there's one thing I want to impress firmly on your mind at this important stage, it's this: we ALL make mistakes. we ALL fall short. we ALL fail. But the ultimate and final beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that his Atonement conquers all. I want you to learn to fail well. "With grace," as Dad would say. To ALWAYS pick yourself up immediately and keep trying.
Baptism is just the beginning.
I love you, my Aidan Michael!
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