Miss Mae's first birthday party (the cake version)

Tuesday night. We celebrated our Azure's first birthday surrounded by family and friends. Nature gave her a gorgeous storm that day that brought the party inside and caused all kinds of fondant and icing troubles, but we wouldn't have traded the moisture or thunder for any amount of cake perfection.
Though I would have traded the ridiculous hail storm for better lighting to take pictures of the cake. It drives me crazy that I have none that I like (and that I don't know how to make my own lighting effectively!).
I love the tradition of having a smash cake for a first birthday. We expected our Azure to dig in immediately, but she approached the cake much more delicately than we had anticipated. Exploring first...picking off the flowers...grabbing the bird and lulling him into a gentle sense of security before biting his head off completely. Far too much gum paste for a little girl (or anyone!). So I prodded her to turn to the actual cake. Which she did enjoy for a good, long time.
For the bigger folk, I chose fudge cake with whipped ganache filling. Very rich, but delicious.
More about my Miss at OnE coming soon (which is an entirely relative term in my current blogging slump, of course!).
Reader Comments (15)
I wish I could have seen her with the bird, that description made me laugh.
I'm glad she had a happy day! (1 already???!!?)
You've worked your magic once again, the cakes are beautiful!
And whipped ganache filling? I so need to try that.
It was beautiful. Simply beautiful. And I thought the bird and house were especially amazing.