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    « this & that | Main | Dear Tiffany »

    I had to steal these

    from Megan's blog because I want them in my own book when I put it together. 
    Her attempts to show how tiny Caleb still is... 

    Caleb%20in%20a%20bag.JPG caleb%20in%20purse.JPG
    caleb%20in%20basket.JPG  caleb%20in%20kitchen-aid.JPG

    ...and I love the comparison of these two cousins coming home from the hospital:



    ...and anyone who thinks I've possibly managed the last few weeks without severe baby hunger is mistaken.  I held Reagan today in her post-feeding peace.  Absolute bliss. 

    Reader Comments (19)

    That picture in the blender is the funniest! What a great idea to show Caleb's size this way.

    April 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNeighbor Jane Payne
    Poor Caleb does not look at all happy about these pictures! It would be crazy to see him and Reagan side by side.

    Glad to hear you are in baby heaven!
    April 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
    Poor baby, he didn't appreciate that photo shoot at all, but it's oh so funny.
    April 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJill
    you are such the proud auntie!! (with very good reason...)
    April 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlelly
    What a cute little boy! It is amazing the difference a couple of pounds can be!
    April 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
    Lucky you to be the proud aunt of such cuties!
    April 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
    Those are so cute. I never would of thought of a mixer. Too funny. It's amazing how small babies are!
    April 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjenny c.
    Real quick here, in my defense of subjecting my newborn to torturous examples of smallness, he really was not as upset as he appears in the pictures. I think he quite liked the blender, and who doesn't like Coach?
    April 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
    Caleb is adorable and those pictures are awesome.
    April 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMeganT
    I have never even thought of taking pictures like that to show how tiny a baby is. I love it. I feel bad for any future children of mine who will have to endure a similar photoshoot.
    April 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
    ooooh poor little guy. What a creative way to show how small he is! Oh and by the way...last Friday, I saw you on the freeway exiting onto Ellsworth about 11am! :) :) I tried to slow down a little bit to catch your attention (yes, very WISE on a freeway), but you were very focused on switching lanes. So I missed ya. Anyhow, HI!
    April 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJaime
    I love the picture in the mixing bowl. Cute babies.

    I also loved your previous post--a peek into the past. Too funny. I thought the "but we are really rather strange" sentence was hillarious! Sounded like a fun night, though.
    April 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKatie
    How adorable!! Is that the visible difference
    2 pounds makes? wow!
    April 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersista #2
    Oh my, oh my! Just look at those BABIES! The little fellow in the Kitchen Aid is not too happy about his predicament (perhaps he thinks he's going to be turned into one of your fabulous cakes), but those are two of the sweetest babies ever. What fun pictures!

    I have been out of blog land for a while, and it was so fun to come over for a quick hello and to read about what's going on with you. I love what you said about your husband and how being tangled up together is the perfect place to be. So beautifully said, Amy.

    Also, such a riot to read about your escapades with your friends. You expressed my own desire for my children - I hope they will also have such good friends who help them be better themselves. What parent wouldn't be happy to have their child beautifying beans at Safeway on a Friday night? There's so much crud going on out there, that'd I'd be overjoyed to have my crew spend their weekend like that! You guys were a riot! This post brought back lots of memories of crazy things I used to do with my friends. I think we all would have gotten along real well. :)
    April 14, 2008 | Unregistered Commentershawna b.
    So cute and tiny! Loving all this baby stuff. There is just something about a newborn that melts my heart.
    April 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLucy
    When David saw these pictures he said, "Would you ever put your baby in a blender?" Teehee. They are both so yummy.
    April 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterApril
    I love it! But I don't think Caleb does. But when he's about 5 he'll think it's a riot. So cute. How could you not get baby hungry with those sweet babies?
    April 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnnalisa
    So tiny and so cute. Love sweet little could you resist?
    April 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteramy m
    The KitchenAid photo is hilarious! What a contrast those two babies are!
    May 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermichelle

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