SPT: fill in the blanks

The other day I looked in my wallet and noticed my driver's license that still has my maiden name, wondering why in the world I haven't taken care of that during the past five (and a half!) years of married life. And further wondering why I lazily registered to vote in that same name rather than bothering to change my driver's license (which I'm sure takes all of 4.7 minutes online).
So today Amy Hendrix voted. And had to do a confused double take before passing up the L-Z line in favor of A-K. And had to endure (once again!) the ridiculous question of whether or not she's related to Jimi Hendrix.
Jimi Amy

Reader Comments (17)
Do you know how lucky you are to get an "I Voted" sticker? I miss not getting one here in Texas. I thought everyone always got one! (Maybe I'll have to make my own voting sticker to wear on election days!)
and don't even ask when i got around to updating my social security card...
darling photos (your 2 photos. j.hendrix? not so much)
I voted early...but saved my sticker to wear around yesterday. I love that they send you a sticker with your early voter ballot...as if that's the only reason you went and voted. I really, really want a sticker!
I like that you have a double identity. And I love your haircut...makes me desperate to cut mine...but I just cut myself some "awesome" bangs, so I guess that "do" will have to wait.
5 years and still haven't changed your drivers license??
Also, I go by my maiden name at work, so we just discovered that my plane ticket to Dallas booked under Nash will not match my ID either. Airport security may take issue with that.
People seriously ask you about Jimi? That is too funny. Ummm totally no resemblance.
You are looking fierce in that photo.
And, as for voting stickers. First, we are not part of the Super Tuesday mayhem, but this year we may actually have a say (well, those of us who still have a choice in the matter). Amazing. But, Oregon is a mail-in ballot state. There are NO polling places. Just your mailbox. It's very anti-climatic.