D's Day

I've been lagging on getting pictures up from Davyn's birthday. He has pretty much been sick since then. And Aidan joined the sickness last night. Tag team. We're doomed to have a child sleeping on the chaise in our room fooooooreeeeeeeever.
Here he is...the big, bad 3-year-old at birthday breakfast last Friday.
I offered to make Mickey Mouse pancakes, but the boy insisted on eggs. What kind of child readily makes that exchange?!
D was thrilled with his cake.
Cyndee came over and piped Mickey Mouse for me. She is crazy talented at drawing in any medium. She just grabbed the icing bags, started piping, and 15 minutes later we had Mickey. I'm more of a cake sculptor so her easy-breezy (15 minutes!!) artistic abilities leave me in awe.
at the party with his favorite girl, London.
kissing his favorite party guest, Marty (Michael & Tasha's new dog).
true D-lighted love.
Back row: Kay, Mike, Cyndee; Front row: Grandma Hulsey (Kay's mother), Grandma Scott (Mike's mother), Grandpa & Grandma Jones (Cyn's parents)
I LOVE this. My boys with 5 grandmas (3 great's!) and 2 grandpas.
Thank you all for helping us celebrate our D!
Reader Comments (19)
The cake turned out so great, it looks like it was done by a professional.
I love the picture of D and the puppy!
Sorry about the sick kids. There are some winters I see my pediatrician more than I see David.
I've been waiting for the cake picture! I think I might just be your biggest fan when it comes to your cakes. I still can't thank you enough for sharing your skills with me on Evan's first birthday! Davyn looks like he had a great birthday.
I understand about the forever sick family, we're encountering the same problem. Thankfully I think we're all starting to feel better, if there is anything I can do let me know,
Once again, Cyndee is amazing... from Talin's Cliford cake to Davyn's Mickey cake she can do it all!
Can't believe he's three! Isn't it nice to be emerging out of the toddler stage? Miss you guys!
I hope you have your room to yourself soon, but a chaise in the master bedroom that can double as a sick bed is brilliant!
That cake looks great. And huge! What was it 4 layers?
love the MM cake. Ellie loved it
hope the boys are better soon
skwaller [at] gmail [dot] com
I love the picture with all the greats. What a gift.