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« spt | Main | happy halloweening »

my last Halloween post. ever. no really.

Halloween day.  I fully expected to be done caking by 2 pm at the latest.  Ha!  5:30 was the actual finish time.  And by that time the boys weren't costumed, I needed a shower, we were too late to eat homemade soup and rolls at Mandi's, and my in-laws were eyewitness to an embarrassing episode of angst starring all four residents of this little house.

In the midst of the mess, I never took time to set up a decent photo shoot for my cake.  I know that may sound ridiculous, but when your art is edible, pictures become very important.  I did snap some at Melissa's house, but they don't show the details very well.  Still, it's what I've got...

The inspiration for the cake comes from Martha Stewart.  I loved all of the spooky silhouettes.  There was a graveyard on the bottom, then steps leading up to a haunted house.  I should have propped a flashlight in the back for picture time to show the translucent amber candied windows and door.

Poor Melissa is probably still eating cake.  I got a little crazy on the size of this thing and it could have easily fed 200.  Six recipes of chocolate fudge cake.  Seriously. 

And since I promised this would be my last Halloween post (ever!), I'll sneak in a few pictures from the night:Our neighborhood is a happening place on Halloween night.  Oh my. 

I worked for months to convince London that a green-faced witch was the way to go. I love that she was just fine with the freakiness of it.

...and this is what a mummy looks like at the end of a wild night (trick or treating, bounce house, and the general run-around of age 5).  As we walked home from the party (around 9 pm!), he waited for us all to pass him by, resigned to walking alone in order to avoid others stepping on his cloth.  Jim was eventually allowed to "carefully" step by his side.  And eventually we made it home.  And good sleep was had by all. 

Pretty much instantly.

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    Momentary Madness - Journal - my last Halloween post. ever. no really.
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    Momentary Madness - Journal - my last Halloween post. ever. no really.
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    Momentary Madness - Journal - my last Halloween post. ever. no really.
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    Momentary Madness - Journal - my last Halloween post. ever. no really.
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    Momentary Madness - Journal - my last Halloween post. ever. no really.
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    Momentary Madness - Journal - my last Halloween post. ever. no really.
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    Momentary Madness - Journal - my last Halloween post. ever. no really.
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    Momentary Madness - Journal - my last Halloween post. ever. no really.

Reader Comments (25)

You are a spooky wonder woman. The cake, the costumes, the pictures that so perfectly capture the make it look magical.

The windows! (How many days did it take you to create such a thing.) I am imagining you thinking up all kinds of ideas while you're laying in bed at night...dreaming up detail after detail.
November 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterApril
AMAZING cake! WOW! Looks like a fun filled night for all! - cracked me up about your little walking home alone so no one would step on his cloth! Your boys are so adorable!
November 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPrice Cream Parlor
Are you kidding me?!? Amy, you are amazing! I am blown away by every cake you have ever made! And this is one of your most fun! What a talent! I love stalking your blog and seeing all the creative things you do. When I grow-up I want to be a mom just like you. Seriously, I do.
November 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJaimee Buckley
OH MY GOODNESS. That cake is incredible. My goodness. I wish we lived closer or cakes transported better.

The mummy shot at the end consigned to walking by himself was a perfect wrap to the day (ha. I did not intend the pun at first, but I do now).
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNeighbor Jane Payne
Love it ALL! The cake is amazing! I'm so glad you explained the windows and showed some detail. Are those sunflower seeds?

Too much cake? Can there be such a thing as too much chocolate fudge cake?

Your boys are such hadsome guys. Their costumes really did turn out well. I love the story about the unravelling mummy.
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
Are you kidding me? Pumkin Seed Shingles. That alone is enough to have me bow in wonder. And the steps... wow, what are they made of to make them look so authentic. I think my favorite is the tree next to the haunted house. Absolutely amazing. I would have just froze the whole thing solid and brought it out next year. AMAZING!!!

And of course, the pictures are fabulous!
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRachel
Love all of your goulish goodies!!! The boys are too cool (really cute, but they don't want to hear CUTE, do they?!)
I am sure you are still recouperating from the festivities.....I am tired just looking at it all!!!!
xoxo..another Amy
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
I love the last picture of Aidan, he's getting so big. I have a feeling that when we come this summer he's going to dwarf my mini seven year old.
Your cake is oh so cool, almost as cool as you are, but no one is as cool as you. Have I told you lately how incredibly cool you are, if only I were as cool....
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
The cake was fantastic! Delicious too! What a fun Halloween.
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLeilani
That cake is absolutely amazing!! I don't think I'm capable of making a normal round cake, let alone all of this amazingness! I totally understand the need for photos with such great, edible art! Wow.

I'm cracking up at the thought of the episode of angst your in-laws witnessed. I had a few moments in front of my in-laws on Saturday while scrambling to get everything ready for Whitney's baptism, I had to chalk it up to being human.
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJill
That cake looks amazing. You are so talented!

Great pictures of the littles and their night.
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
Oh my gosh. You are incredibly talented. I need to meet you soon just so I can say I knew you back when. That is some seriously freakish skills you've got there!
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLucy
OH. MY. GOSH. I cannot believe that cake! Amazing. Extraordinary. And it looks quite angst-inducing to me.
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermichelle
I wish you would have given more details on the cake. I think I recognized sunflower seeds on the roof--but what did you use for the steps--they looked like real stone!! I'm intrigued by it all!
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAngie
that cake? oh that cake...fantastic.

you are a genuis.


and the mummy costume turned out great!
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercarlo
Six recipes of chocolate fudge cake?! I only wish I was there to help eat it!!!! Way to go. I hope your vegging on the couch today, you deserve it!
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEmily
This had better not be the last halloween post ever! It was brilliant. That cake was jaw-dropping, even by your standards! Congratulations, you have officially made me fall in love with you.
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
Amy.....just had to come back to your blog to comment on your comment on my blog!!! (har! say that fast 10 times!)
I don't know what I would do without my crazy nut-ball girlfriends!!!! I don't have time for people that don't "get" me, you know!?!
I am queen of the nuts, that is for sure!!!!!

I am going to start calling you "The FLOUR girl" with you and your cakes! Love them!
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
First, let me say that I broke my diet by just looking at your chocolate fudge cake! Mmmm...It looks awsome. I bet it was the hit of the party. Also looks like your vampire and mummy costumes turned out well. They all look so cute...oh, I mean scary!
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKatie A.
You are an AMAZING lady! I stayed up way too late last night reading your blog, it was all so enchanting. I can't believe that cake... what the? how did? no way!
I missed you at the reunion, I was really hoping to see you. I feel so connected again thru this blogging thing. Holly & I were discussing your "totally awesome" writing skills. It seems I may copy your style at times, I love the way you express yourself. We threw out the idea of a reunion at Pat's cabin next summer for just the hdrx clan (it's REALLY nice, he had pics on his camera).
miss you guys!
November 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdiana
Wow! That cake is amazing, Amy! It looks like it was a fun Halloween at your house!
November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle M
The cake! I am always in awe at your talent, skill and patience. I don't have any of those 3 when it comes to cake, so you seem extra amazing. It turned out fabulously!

The boys costumes are so cute. I love that the mummy worked out, and I love Davyn's scary makeup and teeth falling out.
November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
I love that cake, so creepy
November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrady
that cake is incredible! wow!
November 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlove squalor
Everybody else already stole all the good things to say!
LOVE the cake! Glad you're my friend!
November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLezlie

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