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« a boy's view of his parents | Main | 8 Random (food) Things About Me »

on birthdays and such

My Happy Birthday Choir stood posed, prepped, in front of the phone.  And I dialed.  First the home.  No luck.  Next the cell.  Only ringing and a tone, and I honestly don't know if this is a woman who listens to messages even if they're as cute as what I had in mind.   Could she be at the office?  On her birthday?  Somehow that doesn't seem right.  We sighed and tried.  Strike three. 

But we did find a clue.  Worse news than we ever suspected. 

Jim "heard" she was at the dentist.  Getting a root canal.  On her birthday.  So I sent most of my choir to preschool and hoped the rumors just weren't true.  The chorus will have to wait, but perhaps we'll regale her in another way via blog. 

Happy Birthday, Kay!

So, here are my birthday interviews for your birthday entertaining.
The interviewees, my three favorite men, youngest to oldest. 

 Kay & Davyn

Why do you love Grandma Kay?

D:  Do puzzles at her house.

Grandma Kay is...

D:  A cookie.
{head tilt & wide grin}

Um...ya, I think I'll take over now.  Our D is definitely more physical than verbal and it has long been physically, undeniably clear that he prefers Grandma Kay to anyone (Mandi & Grandma Cyndee being the close second).  At nearly any family gathering, he is soon found sidled up next to Grandma, insisting on attention.  And she offers it aplenty.

 Kay & Aidan

What do you like about Grandma Kay?

A:  Going to her house is fun, and I like to play toys with her and watch movies with her.

       What is your favorite thing to do with Grandma?

A:  Read books. 

What's the silliest thing you ever saw Grandma do?

A:  Herman the worm.

How much do you love her?

A:  40 feet. 

A doesn't remember, but Kay watched him four days a week for the first year of his life while I taught part time.  And she must have been reading to him plenty from the start because I'd often be startled at home when my 8-month-old baby would point and say "clock" or "ball".   Definitely Grandma's doing.

Kay & Jim
(and yes, it's pathetic that the most recent picture of the two is our wedding!) 


What do you admire most in your mom?

Jim:  She's committed to the gospel and diligently tries to live it and provide service to those around her.  Through her entire life she has been sacrificing for her family, and especially her kids.

What's your funniest memory with her? 

J:  The only time I heard her swear. 
{I asked what word, but the loyal &*#@! wouldn't say!) 

Describe her in one word: 

J:  Introspective.
{ mother, like son} 

What's your favorite food she makes?

J:  without a doubt, oatmeal bundt cake
{me too! me too!}

In what way did she influence you the most?

J: love of reading.

 I'm grateful to this woman who raised the fine man who I married,
and who is definitely helping me to raise the fine little men I'm blessed to call my own.

We love you! 

Reader Comments (14)

What a great idea to have your boys answer those question. Yes, you do need to get a photo of Jim and his mom! Happy Birthday Kay.
September 20, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjenny c.
Very sweet post Amy! What a good idea to interview everyone for Kay's birthday, very fun.
September 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJill
What a nice way to celebrate someone so important!
September 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBarb
Oh, happy birthday Kay! This was such a sweet post!
September 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
Root canal on a birthday! Yuck. I guess that's about as bad as when I had an ovarian cyst removed on my 21st birthday. Some things you don't get to choose, I guess!
September 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKim
how awful to have a root cananl on your birthday. That's no way to celebrate. Love this post. So very sweet!
September 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
just saw my typo-canal
September 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
What a fun birthday post! Don't you love a great woman who raised a great son!? What a gift to you and your littles!
September 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPrice Cream Parlor
That was a great idea to interview them - kids say the funniest things. Happy birthday to Kay, she's a fabulous grandma to your boys and a great mother-in-law for you.
September 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
What a great post! I love all of your boys answers. What a great bday tribute!
September 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShanon
I love that you interviewed your family for this. What a great idea.

Such a thoughtful post!
September 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMarie
I feel so bad that I missed Kay's Birthday! I am going to have to do something about that. I think last year a few of us were blessed to go to breakfast with her. Kay, if you happen to be reading this Happy Birthday to you! We need to get together! :)
September 23, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle
oh yuck!

we love the birthday chorus, too.
September 24, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercarlo
You've got to love the woman who raised your husband. But getting a root canal on her birthday? That violates every birthday rule at out house! Poor lady.
September 24, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermichelle

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