8 Random (food) Things About Me

Tagged by Annalisa, I think I might have food on my mind this morning...
1. I love Thai food. A few years ago Jim and I went to a restaurant called Thaifoon. I was beyond excited to find a dish on the menu called Evil Jungle Princess. Seriously. Evil Jungle Princess! At that point it honestly didn’t matter what was in the dish. I had to order such a thing.
2. It was a wickedly spicy red curry. But I smiled the whole time I ate.
3. I discovered a spicy curry dish at Pei Wei that seems to be a tamed down Evil Jungle Princess.
4. I crave it frequently.
5. I recently found a recipe for Chicken Tikka Masala, an Indian dish that I learned to love at a place Ras introduced me to (remember those days?!). I made it yesterday, and it was so delish. The recipe definitely delivered.

6. But I did feel bad for my dinner exchanging partner whose family definitely didn’t enjoy the Indian spices.
7. But then she promised me her leftovers, and that evened out my feeling bad in a warped sort of way.
8. I also recently tried a recipe for Chinese barbecued pork. Heavenly.

Reader Comments (19)
The last one looked wonderful though.
I definately would have ordered Evil Jungle Princess. I would have hated it, but the name would have made me so happy.
"Wanda", I think you're a better steak griller than I am!! I'll definitely bring the German chocolate though for my similar sweet tooth!
I love Thai food also. I have been craving it a lot lately.