spt: national clean hands week

or should I call this spt: hallelujah??!
or should I just seal my lips (realizing that the moment any parent boasting comes out, you're doomed)??!...

I'll stick to the hands. I washed these perfectly pudgy digits twice at Costco today. Typically, I try beyond try to steer clear of all public restrooms. But when my Davyn told me (twice!) he had to go to the bathroom during our excursion (and delivered!), I ran to that public restroom as though it were my haven. And it was. Of sorts.
Because it gave me hope. That perhaps this two month battle will ever end and be washed completely free from my memory.
With such a happy thought, I couldn't resist snapping this at-home, post-potty, pre-underwearing handwash:
loving the toes.
Reader Comments (16)
I'm with you on the public restroom thing! ick. I dread potty training PQ because I know that means many public restroom trips.
Cute fanny, cute toes.