
I just figured out how to center my banner. It has been bothering me from the beginning. At last, balance.
On another yay note, my sister-in-law, Shanon, just started a blog. She is amazing. Her house and hair are always perfection...and she takes great photos, filling in for so many of my "wait, I forgot my camera" moments. I'm jealous of her camera skills & hope to learn from her some day. And I'm jealous because she had the first red-headed Scott boy of this generation. Look at her little Jake, and you'll want one, too (I'm still hoping there's a chance for us, despite Jim's I-was-a-red-headed-boy-child traumas...I think he was adorable).
Reader Comments (12)
I saw Shanon's blog, it is way cute!
I like to read a lot of the blogs you have on your site. Sounds like a fun cicle of women who share fun stuff.
I check yours everyday and even if I don't comment- I always enjoy reading what you write.
Yea for Shanon!