almost Martha

Birthday cake at the park for Grandma Jones. Candied carrots wrap this carrot ginger layer cake with orange cream cheese frosting. Who but Martha could construe such a delight? The kitchen aroma captivated from step 1 (toasted pecans) forward. Please don't compare my picture to Martha's. I did say almost.
I love creative foodery (and wordery, I guess..). I once candied beets. Sur La Table Valentine's date night cooking class/dinner 2006 (one of the best dates ever - look at their schedule if you have one nearby). Mandolined beets, punched into heart shapes, boiled in sugar water, dried in low heated oven - beautiful, crisp salad topper. I tried it at home the next week without a mandoline. Knife skills lacking, my slices were far from paper thin. Thick and chewy hearts. And the red, red juice that edged its way onto the floor became red, red juice that stuck to my shoe bottoms, wending a perfect path up the stairs and into Davyn's bedroom. The stains came out eventually, but for months I'd find what I thought was "the last red dot" and smile remembering the good idea gone bad.
The carrots left no color marks, but a sugar-coated kitchen tells the tale of 7 cups of the stuff. A week's worth of wipe-down's should do the trick.
Reader Comments (14)
And Amy, once more an activity I'm sad I missed. But I heard you were at the park for three hours and it was hotter than hell. I guess I don't miss that.