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eggs, court and keys

egg.jpg courtroomsm.gif  Car Keys.jpg

Seven eggs scrambled by fork, waiting very eggishly for a hot skillet.  When the skillet arrived at ready, I picked up the bowl and dumped the contents...into the skillet?  NO!  Too obvious, so overdone.  I opted for straight onto the floor instead.  A common mistake, I'm sure.

Traffic court insane ticket situation I won't begin to describe.  Mostly because I can't.   Partially because I just posted about how we are all potential diety.  I did say All, right?...  The worst part is that the whole trip was pointless, and I've got another date same time, same place next week (no zoo date again, Jordan...).  And did I mention that the man in front of me passed out?  He looked sick-ish earlier in our line standing, so I pulled a chair down from a stack for him to take an obviously-needed rest.  An officer saw, shook her head, wagged her finger...oh no, those chairs are not for sitting.  I helped return it to the pile.  Five minutes later the man was doubled over on top of his wife.  A fellow in-liner grabbed the chair again & placed it just in time. 

Keys.  My mail key has been lost for a week and a half.  Aidan dredged it out of a fake a corner...behind a big chair.  A place I never looked.  I didn't question or accuse, happy to be relieved of the angst that comes with "where in the world did I put ___?!"...happy to be free of the extra task of "now I need to get a new ___."

Going to the mailbox, Aidan asked, "Do you think you'll get some Oprah mail?"  Have I mentioned how much I love O magazine?  If you don't know, he does.  I can do without the show, but not the magazine - my monthly treat.  It's the writing and the products and the insights and the pertinence.  And April was there, so I spent part of the afternoon flipping, reading & enjoying.   I also got Good Mail labels from Jill (thank you!!) and cute bunny cut-outs from Barb (thank you!!). 

Oprah, new Friends & good Mail go a long way in erasing traffic court and spilt eggs. 

I'm thinking of making a blueberry coffee cake tomorrow.  It's a bundt pan beauty.  And Grandma Scott is staying with us for a few days, a breakfast treat-worthy occasion if there ever was one.  She is 97, and very cute, and crochets in the corner like a mad woman...but more on all that later.

Reader Comments (15)

I can see how one would want to avoided spilled eggs. Gross. I hate cleaning up eggs. Have you found they don't clean up well?

I am glad you had some good mail to make up for the rest of the day. Good luck next time at traffic court.
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteramy m
I hate spilling things. A few weeks ago I spilled eggs like that, but it went into the crack between the stove and the countertop, never to be cleaned up. I keep waiting for an awful smell or something to reak through the crack, but it hasn't happened yet. Thank goodness I'll be moving in a few months.
Sorry your traffic court got reassigned to next week, I know how you must feel about that. And I'm so envious that you're planning a zoo trip. I'm hoping it will warm up enough for us to drive over to the Omaha zoo at spring break.
Hope your week gets better!
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
thank goodness you didn't get all trendy with your eggs. that whole cooking in the pan thing is so overdone...

waiting for court stinks. waiting for court that doesn't happen stinks more. surly civil servants with chair issues need some good mail! or something!

so, so glad you found your mail key so that you could get the mail i sent you. oh, no, wait. that would be the mail that is still sitting on my table!

hope you have a great thursday...
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterlelly
I'm so glad your day ended on a better note, with Oprah and Good Mail.

I am intrigued about your traffic ticket.

I hope today is better for you!
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
I am glad you found so much good amidst the spilled eggs and long lines. I loved your tuesday post also. Thanks for that.
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth
I'm so sorry we must postpone once again...but even sorrier (word?, no) that it is because of a return court appearance! Also, "spilt eggs"?, definitely a common occurrence. There's always tomorrow, and what better salve for today than a flip through a mag!
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJordan
You made me laugh today with this post! I can invision all - spilt eggs, traffic frustration and trying to help the poor man sit before he fell, lost key found in strange place, enjoying your good mail fortune with Oprah and your G-ma madly stiching in the corner! :)
Oh, do share your blueberry recipe sometime. It sounds heavenly!
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPrice Cream Parlor
oh amy, these days make me crazy! eggs all over the floor...something i definitely would do. and i have can relate on the traffic court too...did that a couple of months ago. thank goodness the day i forgot my appt we had a huge storm or i would have had to have paid for everything all over again.

glad the day was salvaged. i really like the o mag myself. dave got me the march issue to dissect while in our hotel room last month. i love the quotes i found it.

thank you so much for your sweet comment on my last post. maybe one of these days we will be able to get together and talk for hours. something i too would very much enjoy.
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercrystalyn
I remember when I was really young, like 6 years old, my mom paid me a quarter to clean up an egg she'd dropped on the floor. I bet she could have used some good mail that day.
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBarb
We've all been there with the food. Or the times you catch food falling to the floor with your white shirt because that is so much easier to clean than the floor.
And now you have my interest peeked about your traffic ticket...
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnnalisa
Do you remember that time we started defrosting chicken in the microwave at Roman Gardens, and then somehow forgot we were cooking, and it sat in the microwave for days until we finally figured out where that awful smell was coming from? I don't know why this post conjured up that memory -- maybe a chicken/egg connection.

I've been getting ready for my parents' arrival (an hour late) all day, and I'm just catching up in blogland for the day. I think your multitudes are demanding the story of the traffic ticket. :)
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
I hope you have so much fun with your grandma!
March 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterEmily
Yikes, Kel. I honestly don't remember that. I can't even imagine how disgusting...probably why I erased the recollection. I've discovered some nasty potatoes a time or two smelling up my pantry, but raw chicken gives me crazy chills.

As for the traffic ticket story, I don't understand the situation entirely so it would not be a good telling. And the likely response would be a blank "oh".
March 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
Aren't you glad it's Friday! ;) ciao
March 9, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersista #2
I've been neglecting my "O" Magazines for the past 6 months or so. I used to love it so much and then something changed and I've been irritated with it. I'll have to dive back in, I miss having it for a treat.

Your eggs, court and key adventures are highly amusing from where I sit. Did it help at all to know you could blog about it? That's the first thing I thought of a few weeks ago when the smoke detectors went off at 4:07am (after the palpitations subsided of course).
March 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJill

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