scary eyebrows

Sometimes the boys go to bed beautifully. Other times, I am witness to the creativity of my Aidan as he gives reason after reason why he can't possibly go to sleep in his room. Tonight he came out with this:
"I keep thinking about bad things."
"Bad things? Like what?"
"Scary eyebrows."
As a possessed plucker, I found this hilarious.
Sunday was a first for me. My A was in the primary Sacrament program. He's been saying his one short line for the past month, but I still somehow managed to gasp & tear when he spoke it into the microphone. "My name is Aidan and I have faith in Jesus Christ." Every time he practiced at home, D jumped right in with his name and the same statement. A simple sentence. But really among the most important that I want my littles to speak with surety.
Aidan stood up there for most of the time with a worried face...rather like this one we captured at home before church. It actually altered between this and grumpy. Perhaps he'll someday learn to be more comfortable with attention. Right now it truly makes him uneasy.
All those scary eyebrows watching, I suppose.

Reader Comments (11)
Aww, the Primary program always does me in, too. When did I become such an emotional wimp? The YW in our ward are doing a sacrament meeting program in a few weeks. There is this one song they sing, and it makes me bawl every time. And none of them are my own chidlren. And I'm supposed to be on the stand during this. Oh my! I'm hoping to toughen over the next couple of weeks with that and the Primary program looming.
You now have me scared, he practiced his lines for a month? Our program is in less than a month and I don't even know if my children have lines yet to say, and I'm one of the primary teachers! Oh my, disorganiztion makes me crazy!!
The primary program is always such a tear-jerker isn't it, especially to see your own little guy do his thing and say something so profound. I'm in senior primary and we've been working on all the song for the program and I get weepy every week as we belt out "I Know That My Redeemer Lives!"
He's a cutie!
Scary eyebrows? I'll have to have Nate think up a good story for that one for the kids. . .