from gardening to sickness and back

Yesterday's gardener is today's bedbound cougher. D has croup. As of 12am this morning. And as bad as I feel for my boy, I will admit to loving the "I need mom" of his ailment. Because I need him. And these 100% cuddle times. Who wouldn't want to cuddle a boy who immediately gives a hoarse "thank you" to the nurse after a steroid shot to the right (bum) cheek.
My stomach is knotting, however, over the fact that I had four extra children at my house yesterday. Two were Shanon's, who is 56 months pregnant and hosting a double birthday party in two days. They don't need to be sick. The other two have a mom who has been in the hospital for a week and a dad who is working hard to maintain the norm for them. And they don't need to be sick either.
This picture of the Scott boys with their guests cracked me up. Of course they had them working for them...despite the fact that they easily outweigh those two littles by double.

So, not caring to really fight that fight, I've been buying longer & longer boxer undies in an attempt to appease onlookers.
Reader Comments (16)
I hope the croup goes, and the basil grows!
Gardening looks like fun. I'm hoping to do a vegetable garden next spring, but I've never done anything like that, so I need to read up on it before spring.
I love the wagon picture. So funny!
PS: Your autumn wreath is beautiful! Were the mini pumpkins real or artificial?