
Anything Halloween is *'pooky 'pooky* according to Davyn. And there's plenty around the neighborhood already. From front yards transformed into graveyards to a giant treasure chest with popping out skeleton. I added a more subtle *'pooky* to my house this week.
Candids of the kids usually fill these frames, but I found these silhouettes at Martha Stewart's website, and they made for a quick & cheap decorative transformation. I'm loving the raven.
I'm also anxious for other spooky endeavours. Pumpking carving and Halloween treat-making posts will hopefully come soon. If I can find a pumpkin with stem intact (that's what I get for trying at a grocery store!). And if Mandi will get back from Iowa to be my baking buddy.
In the meantime, stay tuned for a little more *'pooky* to come this week!
anyone else frustrated by littles who refuse to be anything spooky for Halloween? I want a vampire..a ghost..Frankenstein. But it seems I'll forever be entrenched in the Justice League. Aidan has the next three years of super hero costumes planned. Perhaps I'll start working on D...

Reader Comments (20)
I actually prefer the superheros to the 'pooky costumes, but maybe that's because my boy is 11 years old and his idea of spooky is too creepy for me
I totally know about wanting the kids to have the costume you want them to have. This year Maxwell will fit the lion costume that I made a couple years ago. Aimee requested I make a tiger for her this year. This made me think, "I should do Carter as a bear, and then I could have lions and tigers and bears. Oh my!" But no, he wants to be a 'monster.' He will give no more details on that other than he wants it to be a green monster. Wish me luck.
We are going semi-spooky this year (I'm not much of a spooky gal.). Brynlee is going to be a can of Sprite (with her friend who is being rootbeer). Avery wants to be a witch. Emerson a ghost. And PQ is going to be a monarch butterfly because I still get to choose her costume, and I think it will be so cute.
Your frame tree turned out great. I think I am going to have to do something with that raven too.
stuck in Star Wars, here...the Dagoba System, specifically.
i do love your MS tree though!
As for my kids- the spoookier- the better. I have to tame them down.
Oh, the Halloween costumes. I have to say, that for us, they have over the past two years required nothing more than my boys going to their closets and pulling out their sports gear. At least your boys actually wear COSTUMES. Last year my crew was football players and this year, they want to wear their baseball uniforms. All righty. Not very Halloweenish, but I'll be taking a walk on Easy Street with the zero costume prep! I guess they get this whole wearing sports uniforms from me. I wore my gymnastics leotard to school on Halloween every single year. Well, except for 6th grade when I went as a very hip, very with-it punk rocker. It was the height of the 80's and I had it going on!
Oh my. Sorry about that. When did this turn into the Shawna show?! Since I am not currently able to update my own blog (blast my computer!!!), it seems that I am using yours for my random thoughts!
So, back to you. :) Beautiful pie crusts! And I congratulate you, because they are a tricky business. Sprinkling cinnamon and sugar on the leftoevers is a MUST. A tradition here, too. And a very welcome one at that.
Happy October, Amy!!!