baking breakthrough

Yesterday I Wal-Mart'd (bad in & of itself) with 4 littles, made dinner for 3 families, and dealt with countless other chaos....
but why do I count it as one of my best days ever?
I made 6 perfect pie crusts.
Baking is my thing, but pie crusts have been my forever nemesis. I patch, do-over, curse, and cry when it's pie crusting time because I have a deep-set fear born of many a failure. Last fall, Cyn tired of my pastry lamenting and all of us girls got together for a demo. In which I learned that my mother can make perfect pie crusts. By feel. And under her watchful eye I managed to do a decent replica. But then Christmas came and I set out enthusiastically to crust on my own. And realized I lack the inate feel-ability my Cyndee posesses. Apparently it isn't genetic. Because my crusts were awful, unrollable masses of dough that I ended up piecing and pushing into the pan to make sad excuses for pie.
But those days of fear have ended.
Because yesterday I made SIX perfect crusts. They rolled beautifully, flaked beautifully, browned beautifully smooth. The key: not using my hands at all. While hands work wonders for bakers like Cyndee, mine definitely lacked the skill. America's Test Kitchen (my favorite cooking source) uses a food processor to make crusts. So does Martha. Lacking a full-size food processor, I've never tried that method, but I do have a mini processor (only $30-40). So that's what a tried. One crust at a time.
Small triumph, you may say, but triumph is triumph and fearless pie making will forever be welcome in my kitchen.
showing off of flaky layers
a Grandma Jones pass-down tradition:
leftover pie crust sprinkled with cinnamon & sugar, then baked

chicken pot pie - perfect October dinner

Reader Comments (14)
favorite part of pie making ;) Your pot pie looks sooo
dee-lish!! ciao
Why is there even an expression like "Easy as Pie?" It is the hardest thing.
The rolling gets me, too, but she had this cloth covered board to roll them out on -- it was fantastic. I had never seen anything like it. Her mother-in-law bought it for her on QVC of all things! She said it was the best thing she'd ever received from her mother-in-law who *only* shops on QVC. Anyway, the cloth held the flour there, and the dough didn't stick at all. It was a beautiful thing. I guess I'll have to see what channel QVC is. Ha!
But, I am thrilled you had a best day ever (especially one that included Walmarting).
I haven't struggled with pie crust to maybe the same extent, but I have converted to letting my machine do all the work, and that has made my pie baking much more consistent.