spt: comfort food

I was excited for Lelly's challenge this week & instantly knew the ultimate Scott family comfort food. Black beans. And I just happened to come across a spectacular version of Cuban Black Beans last spring. That I've been anxiously awaiting Arizona cool down to make.
I do the bills at my house. And if you chance a peek at the passenger seat of my car, brace yourself for a shock of unopened mail and disarray. Order is not my forte. And that is how my power bill (which is supposed to be happily on automatic bill pay) came to be overly overdue. To the degree that my power was turned off yesterday, noon-ish. This coincided with a neighbourhood outage, so I didn't figure it all out until it was too late to be redeemed that day. So we remained powerless until 4:30 today. Far too late for my slow-cooking, flavor-punched favorite beans.
And yet...
I happened to remember that I snapped this picture of a bundt made last week. Oatmeal cake. Favorite of Amy. And Jim. And I find great comfort in such sweetness. I *almost* photographed my thigh or hip for proof. But, nah. I'd rather you make & enjoy in innocence of the possible outcome.
1 ½ c boiling water
2 eggs
1 c oatmeal
1 ½ c flour
1 c brown sugar
1 tsp soda
1 c white sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
½ c shortening
1 tsp salt
Pour boiling water over oatmeal and let sit. Cream sugars and shortening. Add two eggs, mixing well. Sift flour, soda, cinnamon and salt into mixture. Stir. Add oatmeal. Bake in bundt pan at 350.
½ c melted butter
1 c pecans chopped
½ c brown sugar
1 c coconut
¼ c canned milk
1 tsp vanilla
Stir ingredients and put on top of cake. Broil in oven to toast the topping.
Reader Comments (17)
The cake picture is beautiful.
I'm not that good with the bills either, but if Keith did them, I'm sure we'd be living in a box. He's baaaad. I wish he wasn't though, because I would love to hand them off. It's my least favorite thing.
Your cake looks YUMMY!
So sorry for the power woes! I keep track of the money around here--which is okay because I spend most of the money around here!
i have YET to be disappointed by any of your recipes!! so, i'm looking forward to black beans...
thought the comment about taking a pic of your hips as proof the of the yum of the oatmeal cake was very cute!(i can relate on the sugar cookie and hips!)