& bless you if you get through reading this entire post.
Saturday felt like a week. A good week, but a very full one.
And a one that made me look back at my former self in awe. I used to wear heels daily. Everywhere. People teased and offered sympathetic groans over my supposedly aching feet. But these *poor feet* never ached, so I shrugged off the hype, puzzled. Fast forward five years and two {giant} babies. I wore heels all day yesterday and honestly don't know if I'll ever recover. NOW I know what the groans were about. Now I see why people thought I was insane. And now I know that I will NEVER again do the all-day heel thing. But I'll still secretly ache for those days of being 6'2" in sexy heel boots.
Anyhow...I got up early and packed up for a long day away from my three lovelies. The BEST part of the day happened early when Jim saw me off with a garage jig. The boy has some serious moves! I don't think I stopped smiling all the way to his parents' house.
[Sidenote: throughout the day, people asked countless times if Jim was "babysitting" the boys. "Heck no! He's watching his own kids!" Dads don't *babysit* in my world. Of course, it helps that in my world, there is a Dad who is a better Mom than the Mom and whose boys view him in total adulation.]
First stop: in-laws. Kay was also hosting a shower, and I wasn't able to go (you're my #1, Ras!), but did do a drive-by cake decorating. This is seriously the best kind. She baked the cake (yellow, drenched in cream of coconut out of the oven, filled with pineapple whipped cream - divine!). The bride-to-be is having orange calla lilies at the wedding, so that is what I went for with my fondant.
We added the Alex & Brian, at first wondering if that was too cheesy, but - hello! - it's a wedding. It's supposed to be a little cheesy. And I was all for it once I imagined walking in to an "Amy & Jim" in orange buttercream delight. Sometimes cheesy works.
Next, it was off to Vella's parent's house. They very kindly offered their house as our shower spot (or was it Vel who offered for them??!). The shower was intimate & delightful. I always like food table pics, so here are a few.

Angie posing with food...but where's the bulging belly?!
34 weeks pregnant with twins. She looked so cute, *almost* making me want to be pregnant. She just found out that both babies weigh 4.5 pounds! Amazing little Sophia and Grace. Already 9 pounds in that belly.
And the waiting game is on.
I remember well the bittersweet days at pregnancy's end. Especially with Aidan, mostly because with him the "end" lasted overlong.
Due date: June 24.
Birth date: July 9.
And that is how you get a 10 pound baby, folks. Bake 'em long & large. As my days overdue turned into weeks overdue, U2's "With or Without You" became the theme song I'd belt to my belly. With the belly, without the baby, longing for the opposite.
Those last days waiting for your firstborn are definitely singular. Sitting quietly on the precipice of the greatest heaven-sent upheavael yet. Waiting to meet a tiny home-grown human who will change life forever. It brings a whole new dimension to wondrous.
And double that in Angie's case.
This girl is the queen of control. And order. Whose house makes "spotless" look dirty. Who still scrubs her floors on hands & knees. I'm mischieviously anxious to see her "order" edges soften as the chaos of two tiny bosses takes its bit of the control. And to see her melt into knowing that the chaos is 100% worth the love.
And....drumroll...my last stop of the day was a return to my first. Because I had to see Kay in her sexy new outfit. And it didn't disappoint.

She went shopping this week and bought this ensemble (jewelry, belt & all) with eyes closed, knowing she'd feel guilt if she glimpsed the total. So Jenna was there to count the cash. I loved it all, and was impressed when she conceded to my request for a "powerful" pose.
This is a woman who pioneered her way through raising six boys and one girl. Who never had a chance to spoil herself. Who was traumatized when gifted with a VW Bug on her 50th Birthday. I admire that hugely in this age of "yes, thank you and what else?" entitlement.
You look gorgeous, Kay! And I'll quietly hope that this is only the first of many splurges for yourself!
Well, my feet are still aching, but my sweet Jim didn't gripe when recovery from the week-long Saturday had me napping from 5 - 8:30 tonight, waking oh-so conveniently after the boys went down. It's so good for a mom in this stage to have a day away...where she feels useful in an adult setting. And comes home very grateful to be there. The blasted & blessed irony life.