life in my world

I came home with a fresh haircut last week. Jim examined me when I walked in the door and then presented his opinion: "you look like a Russian villian." Do you agree?
Life in my world is Busy. As in, I look back to when I "used to" say I was Busy and laugh. Heartily. Because I had no clue. Now the To-Do list runs a mile long, and any downtime is indulged in at great expense. There is no room for hobbies. For lunch with the ladies. For reading. For writing. Only essentials, and sometimes even those slip.
But here's the paradox: There is far less *Me* time in my life, but I don't think I've ever been happier.
It started in the fall, when I was last-minute hired to teach two high school English classes. Teaching is always a time-sucker (if you want to be properly prepared), but this was a new curriculum for me and I hadn't even read some of the books since 9th grade English with Mrs. Bird. About two months into school, with my head barely above water, I was called to be Primary President. And this is my formal shout out to those who have served in this calling. I have been in two different presidencies as counselor, but I had NO idea how different it is to be president. There's a weight and a keep-you-up-late worry AND a wake-you-up-early-to-get-more-done JOY that come with the call.
With these two simultaneous changes, life is obviously not the same.
I miss my friend time that has had to slip. A pile of bedside books is screaming to be read. I want to record more of our daily happenings on this blog. My "some day" project pile is ever-growing. BUT - and here's where we get to the paradox - Despite the Busy (and *maybe* because of..), my life is Blessed.
Jim and I have become more of a Team than ever. He does the laundry. He also gets the boys off to school solo two mornings a week, stays with Azure on Wednesdays, gives me time and space to study, and generally keeps everything running as I rush between church meetings and school gradings.
Just as I used to say "I'm busy", I used to think we had a good marriage. But now it is so. much. better. More teamwork equals more awareness (of personal sacrifices), more appreciation (for gaps being filled), more attention (to the other's needs). Just the other day Jim mused aloud, "We don't fight anymore." I laughingly said it's because we're too tired. But there's more to it than that. We're too busy to become wrapped up in Selfishness and time together seems too valuable for Pettiness.
This is a stage of life, and - like all stages - it will pass. But when my time frees up some day, I hope to bring these lessons into the new stage...and keep that ever-selfish "ME" at bay.

Reader Comments (12)
Have fun as Primary Pres. It was a very weighty calling, but my favourite one. I loved every minute, and I'm sure you're doing a great job.
Sorry your life is so busy and crazy right now, but I'm glad you're enjoying the business and you have such a good helper in Jim.
I'm so thankful for our nice, manageably sized Primary (~40 kids). Except I wish there was some way to import a few of the fabulous teachers and helpers I'm sure you have! We have some great ones, but we sure could use a couple more. :)
Good luck to you! (I love your hair!)
It is amazing to have so much on your plate and think back to wonder, "What did I used to do to fill all my time?" I'm glad being busy agrees with you...but I hope you at least find a little "me" time!
I am sorry you are so busy because I miss you, but I am glad that it's busy in a good way and that all the pieces of life seem to be falling together smoothly for you with all that on your plate! Happy is a great place to be!