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    cousins book club

    Aidan is newly obsessed with reading.  So it didn't surprise me this summer when he asked to have a book club.  June through August were beyond busy, but when school settled in he brought it up again.  And I conceded. 

    Today was the day that 8 Hendrix and 1 Scott cousin joined us at Grandma Cyndee's to talk books. 

    Each of them brought a book they love and shared their favorite parts of the story.  After each person's turn, the others could ask questions.  Surprisingly, given the age variety we had here, they mostly stayed attentive and on track.  Most importantly, I think they each enjoyed their turn to speak. 

    We also made bookmarks (my boys are always asking for them), though I have no pictures of those finished products (my camera & I are practically strangers these days). 

    Cyndee made tasty sugar cookies that Megs & I helped her decorate bookwormishly last night.

    We had a little time left at the end of our gathering, so Cyn grabbed a few of her favorite children's books and had her audience entranced.  Seriously, look at these kids!  Not every grandma has such power.

    Thank you, Cyn for allowing us to overrun your house this morning!  So many of the crew here today owe a portion of their love of books to you, a passion you've passed down to your children and this lucky generation of grandkids. 

    Reader Comments (6)

    That is pretty much the cutest idea ever! How darling to have all those cousins together with their grandmother to discuss books!
    September 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJill S.
    Thanks for the great day! My girls were so excited and I don't think they were disappointed!
    September 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
    I am so copying that idea. Give Aidan a big kiss and thank you for me. And you're right -- very few people wield that kind of power. Go Cyndee!!!!
    September 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVella
    Abby loved it!! Thanks for doing it!!
    September 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShanon
    I love the picture of the children listening to their Grandma. That picture is worth a billion words! What a tribute to that grandma!
    thank you for sharing!
    October 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWendy Erickson
    I love the picture of the children listening to their Grandma. That picture is worth a billion words! What a tribute to that grandma!
    thank you for sharing!
    October 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWendy Erickson

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