Miss Mae

I thought for sure I'd be using my camera daily after having this little one. But somehow months have passed and it's gathering more dust than data. So thank you to those who are bugging me for updates on our Azure. I took these of her this morning. After she wet through her diaper. And clothing. And crib sheet. And her dad gave her a good bath. It seemed as good {bad?} a time as any.
Her typically quick smile was elusive and her hands did not want to leave her mouth, but these capture my Miss Mae as she is today.
She is changing daily. Her eyes are ever eager to take the world in. Her tummy is ever hungry. And her voice ever ready to be heard. Jim is the best at accomodating that need. They chat away in the evenings when he gets home. His worst fear has indeed become Reality. The girl has charmed us all.
and one to show how much she's grown..on Davyn's lap..
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