
Jim's dad is a woodworking wonder. And I benefited with this handmade frame. Which I love. And plan to fill with a cowboy picture of these two. In honor of a truly cowboy-ish papa. The frame was really made for the boys, but I felt truly gift-ed by it.
The boys felt most gift-ed by this: A year or so ago, when Aidan was hanging out at their house, Papa made him a wooden "A". Which has held a place of honor on their bookshelf. Well, a while back, D starting having many conversations about "when Papa makes my D". So, he, of course, was excited to get that from Papa for Christmas. And I must say that woodworking a "D" is far more impressive than an "A".
But "impressive" and any other adjective I attempt to conjure can do no justice to this next woodworking feat:
Mike (and Daniel and Michael) built this 14-foot-long dining room table. Seriously. I'm not sure what you can really say about something so insane.
Wow seems slim. At best. And I need to bring my camera back in the daytime for some pictures in natural light because it is gorgeous. Truly.
Reader Comments (16)
I love the frame and how you took a picture of it.
Your father-in-law is one talented man with his hands and I especially think the picture of the boys with him and their initials is wonderful--look at the picture within the just fits.
Love the picture of your boys in the frame!
What an amazing table! We need a bigger table here--but seating for 14 is a big WOW! :)
Then I was in awe of the letters - how does one do that?
The table? Holy Cow! Honestly - how does one attempt such a project? It is stunning and what an amazing talent to have! What a treasure for sure!