baby gift idea

the credit for this one goes to Shanon. She gave me a Customized Baby File Box like this when I had Aidan, and I thought it was super clever. Every first-time mother needs some organizing help.
I bought this file box at Target for $10. And glued on these chipboard letters (I've done letter stickers before, too).
printed tabs in a cute font.

tabs I include: documents & certificates, health records, cards & letters, portraits, age 0-3, preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade (left off 7-12 because this file box wasn't so deep), scouts (I suppose you could do YW for girls), awards, sports, church, talents
Reader Comments (18)
Hope you are good! take care!
file boxes are SO full! It is good for my brain. I
know where everything is, pertaining to their years :)
And yes, I recall us 3 sitting in the booth, 'meeting'
for the first time, but already friends, and telling
you & Michelle about a cute gal named NieNie!!!