the Birthday Party

I just survived hostessing my first kids' birthday party. And you could tell I was a novice on the scene. More experienced mothers saw the 5:00 to 7:30 on my invite and shook their heads in disbelief..dismay. All of the above.
What I didn't realize: each game you think will take 10 minutes actually ends in 1.5. Or less. Long-time mothers know this. I didn't.
How I was saved: Jim & Cyn. I know the theme is many times has this duo run to my rescue when I've plunged into self-created chaos. First, they both slaved last minute for me when time ran out. Cyn hemmed (and she hates sewing). Jim vacumned (ditto on the despising). And all because I got caught up in cakeland for longer than expected.
But, back to the rescuing...the hit of the party (and the 40 minute wonder!) was the light saber training (light sabers made from pool noodles). Jim taught them how to block, attack and parry. Then they each took a turn facing the Jedi Master. Any hit body part could not be used, so many of the attacks ended on knees or with one arm behind the back. After the awarding of Jedi Badges, they took turns challenging each other.
Kay sat next to me during the battles. I was entranced by all of the unique personalities that emerged through the kids' swordplay. And their delight did me in. My two little men in particular. Kay turned to me and said, "he's having so much fun..look at his face." It took me a moment to realize it wasn't any of the littles she was referring was her own not-so-little boy. My Jim. Who used to be her Jim. Who always will own a sizeable chunk of her heart. She was delighted by her boy as I was by mine. I reverenced that "circle of life" moment. I'm sure I'll be watching my own little men with their own in no time.
But I'll save my Aidan-is-growing-up gushing for tomorrow (his actual birthday). Here are a few party & cake pics that I promised Megan:
Kids in Jedi robe (thanks to Cyn's fancy hemming!)
sitting, watching - mesmerized - the "jedi masters" instruct.
I love this goonily satisfied smirk on the birthday boy's face.
Aidan "reading" Abby's card. I love, loved all of the child-written cards & "I drew you a picture, too"'s of Aidan's gift receiving. Such sweet, sweet littles.
I wish D's eyes were opened on this one, but I had to capture the moment anyhow. He's biking around the path, clinging strongly to his *treasures* - one half of a blue pool noodle & a note from Sav & London. He was so happy they gave him something during present time, too.
Ms. London was quite the tenacious/barbaric little Jedi.
attacking Cyn
one of the gentler, "legless" fights
R2D2 cake:
Reader Comments (36)
And clever is a perfect way to describe the birthday party. What fun. I am sure Aiden was on top of the world. And that picture with D holding the card meant for him too, is classic.
I love the Jedi training aspect of this party and love Aiden's happy face. Kay's perspective on Jim at the party is priceless.
I gasped outloud at the 2.5 hour party...and I absolutely insist on reinforcements. So glad your faithful duo came to your aid.
The cake is a wonder.
Oh, and just loved the circle of life thoughts you shared. A very good thing for me to remember this week, especially.
Love your R2D2 cake!
I love the cake. I looks like the party was a major hit!!
i am speechless about the cake. speechless! and totally glad that my jedi was not looking over my shoulder while i was looking at it. how could i ever recreate R2 to his satisfaction?!?
we've had 7 birthdays now. you learn a little bit every time :)
Your m-i-l saying 'look at his face' and that she was referring to her grown up son, not a little, knocked the breath out of me a little. I don't like to think of my boy all grown up.
What an adorable party! And, don't worry-- all moms are very overwhelmed at birthday parties!
When I saw this was going to be a birthday post, I got all excited to see what you would do for a cake, and I was not disappointed! It is amazing. Shockingly so.
Congrats on a job well done!
I love Aidan's birthday smirk and Davyn's picture on his bike.
The party was astounding, and I'm stunned looking at all of those little kids light sabering in your house! I loved the picture of Aidan sneaking a peek over at you, and the one of Davyn riding the trike. And your retelling of Kay's Jim moment had me a little heart crushed, too.
LOVE the cake. really, really cute. did you make it?
The photo of costume, closed eyes, light saber & note
is so precious! & what a cake!!! wow :)