34 years old

"The great thing about getting older is you don't lose all the other ages you've been."
Madeleine L'Engle
Today I’m 34, yet
…for better and worse…
I am
still the petulant toddler when life doesn’t align with my script
(or when others so rudely forget that I have one).
I am
still the 8-year-old in the basement playing school teacher - laminating, crafting & commanding littles…grinning madly at a closet full of “supplies”
I am
still 10 and trapped in dreams by day and flashlight-lit books by night.
I am
still 13 and able to fall into fits of giggle
or temper
(or both & back within a flash).
I am
still the anti-social teenager,
wrapped up tightly in the warmth of family and close friends
…just in case…
I am
still the college graduate who wonders what she'll be
*when she grows up*
I am
still 28 and crazy in love with Jim Scott.
I am
still 29 and crazy in awe at my Aidan baby,
overwhelmed at what this mothering job might mean,
completely unsure if I can ever do it “right”.
I am
still 30 and completely sure I won’t ever “do it right”,
but quietly grateful to welcome a second, my Davyn,
into heart & home.
I am
still 33, wondering
how the years move by far more quickly than they used to,
how I used to think that this was middle-age,
how I know that can't be true.
how I won't believe it until my head is drowning in grey...
how I'll never stop dying my hair.
because, for now
I'm Happy to be 34
...more grey, more chubby, more wrinkled...
but more content with life than at any other age.
...more able to step back and see...
all of the bits - the good, the bad - the melding of all
that makes me Me.
Reader Comments (36)
Happy Birthday to you.
This is my favorite post of all time!
I love your birthday thoughts! (You thought 30s were middle age?! Yikes!) :)
This was a great birthday post. I hope you have had a great day.
I also loved the last post. I am greatful for the ideas. I've been trying to watch my calorie intake, but found myself confined to breakfast foods: healthy cereal, cereal bars, granola bars...yawn. The pitas and cucombers sound great!
Happy day to you!
yummy snacks: frozen grapes, frozen bananas, Target brand "Archer farms" fat free yogurts (all flavors) with Bare Naked Fit granola on top :)