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52 Blessings

I may have been remiss in keeping up on Blessing documentation over the past few weeks, but Blessings have not been remiss in coming my way.  So here is a little catch-up from where I left off at week 7...

blessing 8: 

Caleb Allen Chambers was born at 8:43 Iowa time today.  I know I'm only the aunt in this story, but I can't stop shaking with excitement.  He has been long-awaited & many-prayered.  Megs had expected him to be whisked away directly, but he seems quite healthy & strong.  The heart tests & analysis will come tomorrow.  But in the meantime I'm joining my Gratitude with Megan & Tom's for having a chance to immediately hold & love on their little man. 

blessing 9:

I'm finding it hard to believe that I have so few pictures of Mandi.  Christmas??!  I wish this was a picture of her in full pregnant glory.  I'll have to snap one soon because she wears her baby well.  In a way that  - in fact - makes me wonder how we're possibly related.  Even at 38+ weeks pregnant Mandi blesses my life.  Last Monday she took my boys all day and I slept for five hours solid.  Since she moved here, I seldom go to the grocery store with children.   I feel like we're joint-mothering, joint-obsessing over our tiny humans...and I can't think of a better way to get this gloriously messy job done. 

blessing 10:

My cousin Chad got married on Saturday afternoon.  I loved being there because it was Chad and I still see him as 10, running around with his head in the arm of his coat like some rabid alien...but there he was somehow grown up and his chin quivered so tenderly and I could tangibly feel how much he loves his Paij.  But I also loved being there because I sat looking at my own Love.  There are few better reminders of "the big picture" than witnessing another couple being sealed.  Real life is raw and much so that its beautiful perfection can only truly be glimpsed with a little "stepping back".  The sealer told the two: "you won't believe it today but in five years you'll love each other far more than you do right now."  My eyes turned to Jim with a teary "Amen".  Perspective renewed.
blessing 11:


I spent most of last week in my own little sick universe.  Emerging from such is no simple task.  On Saturday Jim's mom, Kay, watched the boys while we went to the temple, and then played with them while we hung out at her house..  That afternoon I remembered that I had offered to make salsa for a my-side-of-the-family gathering on Sunday night.  I asked Kay for her recipe (because it's fantastic).  Not only did she print it out, but the woman made me a Salsa Kit.  She packed up all of the cans & spices I would need for the salsa making and sent me on my way.  I felt mothered.  And my own mother is far away right now.  And in a week I'll be leaving my littles motherless when I head to Iowa, but I know that Kay will love them as her own (with some extra spoiling, I'm sure).  I am truly blessed to have in her an extra mother & a friend. 

Reader Comments (13)

This post left me teary and grateful for all these beautiful blessings even though they were yours and not mine. I just love the way you tell your stories and I love all these windows into your life.
March 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterApril
Youre family is having all sorts of big events and wonderful blessings! Babies, weddings, wow. It would be hard to choose just 1 blessing each week.
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKatie
I LOVED this post for 2 reasons. First I loved it because like April said I love the way you tell your stories and all the windows into your life. Those are GREAT blessings. My favorite line was "I felt mothered." Isn't that such a glorious feeling?

The 2nd reason I love it is purely selfish...the last time I posted a "blessing" it was on blessing 7. It was so reassuring that someone else has been as neglectful as I have. I have been trying to figure out how to fix this problem. You have come up with perfect solution I may steal it. THX :)
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRachel
Thanks for the post. My emotions have been very close to the surface lately and it was good to read your blessings and let the tears come. Our family does have so much to be thankful for, I feel we have always been watched over.
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoDee
Thanks for the post. My emotions have been very close to the surface lately and it was good to read your blessings and let the tears come. Our family does have so much to be thankful for, I feel we have always been watched over.
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoDee
So many beautiful blessings and pictures for them...thanks for sharing your thoughts. Isn't family one of the biggest blessings of all?
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany
I am so happy Megan had her baby and got to spend time with him. So beautiful!
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
Joint-mothering is a wonderful blessing! As is a new baby, perspective renewed, and being mothered yourself. So nice to step back and appreciate all of these things.
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermichelle
Such a wonderful post and great reminder of the wonderful blessings in our life... thanks!
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMaryRuth
I loved all of these blessings. I feel like I should just copy your words and then go and delete my posts about the same thing and then use your words - they are so much more eloquent. I LOVED it when the sealer said that about five years from now - that was my tear-clencher. And don't think that you don't do as much or even more for me, besides it's so easy to watch each other's kids -- they really are like siblings.
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandi
Beautiful post. You have the gift of a grateful heart. I count YOU as one of my blessings daily.
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKay
Such a tender post. I'm glad that you shared.
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEmily
What a blessig Mandi is to you... I felt envy at the interchange you share with her and your children, it motivated me to strengthen the friendships close to me as my sisters are geographically distant. I also felt a tug at my heart looking at the new baby- I know this little guy will bless many as he grows into this new world.
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmberly

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